The third level class 12 summary

The Third level-class 12 English [summary]

The third level class 12 summary

The third level is an interesting story written by jack finney it is a mixture of fiction and reality Expresses one’s desire to escape from the worries and stress of the modern world there is an intersection of tow different time periods in this story charlie is the main character of the story who gets a chance to travel between these two intersection , One day he gets late at the office he was in a hurry to reach home to his wife so he decides to take the subway from grand contral station,” he goes down to the second level he gets lost he feels that the station is growing like a tree as soon as he enters the third level he finds himself in a new world here, people are wearing old fashioned clothes, they have long beards and fancy moustaches everything was old fashined he realizes that he has reached the past to make sure he reads the headline of a newspaper and finds that june, 11, 1894 is printed on it charley wants to buy two tickets for Galasburg his dream town but he is unable to get the tickets duw to the fear being arrested he rushes away from there and comes back to the present he talks to his psychiatrist friends sam, about the third level but he thinks that charly has been day,, dreaming charley can never find the third level again though he tries hard, meanwhile sam disappears one day charely finds an envelope in his stamp collections it has the address of Galesburg there is a note inside it, it from sam to charly it is being mentined in the note that he has find the third level he invites charely and his wife Louisa to come in the past thus, the story revolves around the theme of escapism , escapism from the storn (unpleasant) realities of the present day world along with a desire to stay in the past,


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