Acids bases and salts class 10 chapter 2 Most Important MCQ’s Question and answers

Acid bases and salt class 10 chapter 2 Most Important MCQ’s

Acid bases and salt MCQ’s

Quesion:1 Methyl Orange is

  1. Pink in acid medium yellow in basic medium
  2. yellow in acidic medium pink in basic medium
  3. Colourless in acidic medium pink in basic medium
  4. Pink acidic medium Colourless in basic mdium

Question:2 Name an element which is common to all acids ?

  1. Sulphur
  2. Chlorine
  3. Nitrogen
  4. Hydrogen

Question:3 In PH , the P stands for

  1. Potential
  2. Proton
  3. Primitve
  4. Process

Question:4 what happens when an acid reacts with Metal?

  1. Salt and water is formed
  2. Metal hydride is formed
  3. Oxyacid will be formed
  4. salt and hydrogen gas is formed

Question:5 Blue litmus paper turns into which colour in basic Condition?”

  1. Violet Colour
  2. Red Colour
  3. blue colour
  4. No Change

Question:6 which of the following is the milk of Magnesium ?

  1. Ammonium hydroxide (NH OH )
  2. Sodium hydroxide (Na OH )
  3. Magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2)
  4. Potassium hydroxide (KOH )

Question:7 The Common name of CaOCI2 is

  1. Common salt
  2. Plaster of paris
  3. Gypsum
  4. Bleaching powder

Question:8 A solution turns red litmus blue, its PH is likely to be

  1. 1
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 10

Question:9 In the presence of Normal acids, phenolphthalein Colour remains

  1. Pink
  2. Colouress
  3. Orange
  4. Red

Question:10 Lime water is

  1. CaO
  2. Ca(OH)2
  3. CaCO3
  4. CaCI2

Question:11 The Chemical Formula of caustic potash is

  1. NaOH
  2. Ca(OH)2
  3. NH4OH
  4. KOH

Question:12 In tomato which acid is present?

  1. Phosphoric acid
  2. Tartaric acid
  3. Oxalic acid
  4. Lactic acid

Question:13 what is Nila thotha?

  1. Copper sulphate
  2. Calcium sulphate
  3. Iron sulphate
  4. sodium sulpahte

Question:14 which acid is used in photography-

  1. Formic acid
  2. Oxalic acid
  3. Citric acid
  4. Acetic acid

Question:15 which of the following acid is used in soft drinks?

  1. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
  2. Carbonic acid (H2CO3)
  3. Hydrochloric acid (HCI)
  4. Citric acid

Question:16 which acid is found in apple

  1. Citric acid
  2. Malic acid
  3. Tartaric acid
  4. Formic acid

Question:17 which of the following is a strong base?

  1. Ammonium hydroxide
  2. sodium hydroxide
  3. Magnesium hydroxide
  4. Copper hydroxide

Question:18 which acid is used in lead storage batteries?

  1. H2SO4
  2. HNO3
  3. HCI
  4. CH3COOH

Question:19 Aqua Regia Contains

  1. 3 HCL + 1 HN03
  2. 3 HCL +1 H2SO4
  3. 3 H2SO4 + 1 HNO3
  4. None of these

Question:20 the PH value of milk is

  1. 2.4
  2. 3.8
  3. 6.6
  4. 8.0
Q.No Answer Q.No Answer

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