NCERT Biology -plant Morphology Most Important MCQ’s

NCERT Biology -plant Morphology Important MCQ’s

Question”1 ——- Root is developed from

  1. Radicle
  2. Plumule
  3. Ovule
  4. Ovary

Question”2 In majority of the dicotyledonous plants the direct elongation of the radicle leads to the formation of

  1. Primary root
  2. secondary root
  3. Tertiary root
  4. None of these

Question”3 which of the flowing is a dicotyledonous plant?

  1. Mustard
  2. wheat
  3. Rice
  4. Onion

Question”4 which is correct for Monocotyledonous plants-

  1. The Primary root is short lived
  2. Roots Originate from the base of the stem
  3. Fibrous roots are found
  4. all of these

Question”5 when roots arise from parts of the plant other than the radicle are called

  1. Tap roots
  2. Fibrous roots
  3. adventurous root
  4. None of these

Question”6 A root is adventitious when it is

  1. Swollen
  2. Growing in marshy area
  3. Formed from plumule
  4. Modified for storage

Question”7 which is incorrect statement for root?

  1. Positively geotropic
  2. Negatively phototropic
  3. it develops from plumule
  4. Nodes are absent on it

Question”8 Unicellular structures are found on roots, called

  1. Root hairs
  2. Node
  3. Internode
  4. root cap

Question”9 which of the following is not a region of root?

  1. root cap
  2. region of maturation
  3. region of elongation
  4. all of these

Question”10 The root is covered at the apex by a thimble-like structure called the

  1. Root hairs
  2. root cap
  3. cone
  4. None of these

Question11 From region of maturation some of the epidermal cells form very fine and delicate thread-like structures called

  1. root cap
  2. root hairs
  3. villi
  4. Fibers

Question”12 Roots can modify themselves

  1. For food storage
  2. For support
  3. for respiration
  4. all of these

Question”13 Tap roots of carrot and turnip get swollen for

  1. Food storage
  2. Mechanical support
  3. Respiration
  4. water absorption

Question”14 which of the following is a modified adventurous root?

  1. carrot
  2. turnip
  3. radish
  4. sweet potato

Question”15 ——— are found in swampy areas

  1. sucking root
  2. respiration root
  3. prop root
  4. stilt root

Question”16 Rhizophora has–

  1. Sucking roots
  2. respiratory roots
  3. prop root
  4. stilt root

Question”17 which of the following is incorrect-

  1. Monocot plant-Fibrous root
  2. Dicot plant-tap root
  3. Rhizophora – Pneumatophore
  4. Potato – sucking root

Question”18 what is Pneumathodes?

  1. A type of root
  2. Tiny pores on Pneumatophore
  3. root hairs
  4. Underground stem

Question”19 Root hairs Originated from

  1. Cortex
  2. Epidermis
  3. Endodermis
  4. Pericycle

Question”20 which of the following is a stem?

  1. Potato
  2. Radish
  3. Carrot
  4. Turnip

Question”21 which of the following is not an underground stem?

  1. Turmeric
  2. Ginger
  3. Garlic
  4. Sweet potato

Question”22 Zaminkand and Colocasia are ———–for food storage

  1. Modification of roots
  2. Modification of underground stems
  3. Modification of aerial stems
  4. Modification

Question”23 The stem develops from the

  1. Radicle
  2. Plumule
  3. Ovule
  4. Ovary

Question”24 Stem ——— which develop from axillary buds, are slender and spirally coiled and help plants to climb

  1. Tendrils
  2. Thorns

Question”25 Stem tendril is not see, in

  1. Pumpkin
  2. Cucumber
  3. watermelon
  4. Citrus

Question”26 Choose incorrect matched-

  1. Phylloclade -Cactus
  2. Cladode-Asparagus
  3. Stem thorn – Lemon
  4. None of these

Question”27 which of the Following is not an underground stem?

  1. Rhizome
  2. Tuber
  3. Bulb
  4. sweat Potato

Question”28 which of the Following is a Rhizome?”

  1. Zaminkand
  2. Asparagus
  3. Onion
  4. Ginger

Question”29 which of the following is a tuber?

  1. Potato
  2. Onion
  3. Garlic
  4. Turmeric

Question”30 which of the following is a Bulb?

  1. Asparagus
  2. Zaminkand
  3. Onion
  4. Ginger

Question”31 which of the following is a corn?

  1. Potato
  2. Asparagus
  3. Onion
  4. Garlic

Question”32 Choose the incorrect one?

  1. Runner – Doob Grass
  2. Stolon – Banana
  3. Offset -Eichhornia
  4. Tuber – Pumpkin

Question”33 which of the following correct?

  1. Stem is positive geotropic
  2. Stem is negative Phototropic
  3. stem has no nodes
  4. Stem has internodes

Question”34 Region stem where leaves are developed is called

  1. Internodes
  2. Nodes
  3. Thorn
  4. Tendril

Question”35 The main Function of stem is –

  1. Bearing , Leaf , flower and fruit
  2. Conduction of water
  3. Conduction of mineral and photosynthates
  4. all of these

Question “36 which of the following function cannot be performed by stem?

  1. Storage of food
  2. Providing support
  3. Vegetative propagation
  4. None of these

Question”37 Opuntia is —

  1. Hydrophyte
  2. Mesophyte
  3. Xerophyte
  4. None of these

Question”38 Tendril help-

  1. Plants to climb
  2. Absorption of water from soil
  3. Protect plants from browsing animals
  4. None of these

Question”39 Phylloclade is the Modification of

  1. Root
  2. stem
  3. Leaf
  4. None of these

Question”40 which of the following is incorrect about leaf?

  1. It develops at Node
  2. It bears a bud in its axil
  3. It is flattened structure
  4. It doesn’t perform Photosynthesis

Question”41 which of the following is not a part of leaf?

  1. Leaf base
  2. Petiole
  3. lamina
  4. Root hairs

Question”42 The leaf is attached to the stem by the

  1. Leaf base
  2. Petiole
  3. Lamina
  4. Root hairs

Question”43 In monocotyledons, the ———- Expands into a sheath covering the stem partially or wholly

  1. Leaf base
  2. Petiole
  3. Lamina
  4. Root hairs

Question”44 The ——– Helps to hold the leaf blade to light

  1. Leaf base
  2. petiole
  3. lamina
  4. root hairs

Question”45 ——— is the green expanded part of the leaf with veins and veinlets

  1. Leaf base
  2. petiole
  3. lamina
  4. root hairs

Question”46 There is usually, a middle Prominent vein, which is known as the ———

  1. leaf base
  2. Petiole
  3. midrib
  4. lamina

Question”47 the function of veins in leaf

  1. Provide rigidity to leaf
  2. Conduction of water and minerals
  3. Conduction of foods
  4. All of these

Question”48 main Photosynthetic Organ of plant is

  1. Stem
  2. Root
  3. Leaf
  4. Flower

Question”49 when the veinlets form a network, the venation is termed as –

  1. Parallel venation
  2. reticulate venation
  3. Midrib
  4. None of these

Question”50 Leaves, of Discotyledonous plants generally possess

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