The voice of Rain NCERT solution for class 11 poem 3 Question and answers

The voice of Rain class 11 poem 3 Important Question and answers

NCERT solution for class 11 poem the voice of Rain Question and answers Class 11 English with answer were prepared according to the pattern practicing these the voice of rain class 11 Question and answers really effective to improve yours basics and learn all the key concepts

Question”1 there are two voices in the poem who do you belong to? which lines indicate this ?

Answer “one voice is the voice of the poet and the other voice is the voice of rain line that indicates the voice of poet and who art thou? said i line that indicate the voice of the rain I am the poem of earth said the voice of the rain

Question”2 What does the phrase strange to tell” mean” ?

Answer” The phrases strange to tell” means that it was strange for the soft-falling rain to reply to the poet’s question when the poet asked the rain who art” thous” rain replied “i am the poem of Earth

Question”3 there is the parallel drawn between rain and music which words indicate this? explain the similarity between the two

Answer” the line for the song issuing from its birth place after fulfillment wondering rack’d or unrack’d duly with Love returns drawn a parallel between rain and music both rain and music rise upward and fulfill and finally return to the source of origin with the love

Question”4 how is the cyclic movement of the rain brought out in the poem? compare it with what you have learnt in science

Answer” in the poem The Rain Rises untouched out of the land and sea it changes its form in in the sky and then comes down to the earth in the form of rain in Science the water Evaporates in the form of vapour and condenses in the sky to form clouds and rains down to earth again

Question”5 what is the similarity between the rain and music?

Answer” They both return to the places of their Origin after fulfilling their tasks

Question”6 How is the cyclic movement of rain brought out in the poem?

Answer” The poet explains that the rain drops in the form of water Vapour rise up from land and sea and then descend again on the earth and dry land in order to wash it down and hence comes back to its Origin this is the Cyclic movement explained by the poet,

Question”7 why are the last two lines put within brackets?

Answer” The last two lines are put within brackets because they do not form the voice of the rain or the poet they only contain a general observation made by the poet about the course of a song

Question”8 Why are the last two lines put within brackets?”

Answer” The last two lines are put in the brackets because other lines in the poem are the voice of the rain while last two lines are the observation of the poet he made a similarity between the rain and the music

Question”9 List the pairs of opposite, found in the poem”




Reck’d– Unreck’d

Conversation between poet and Rain

Conversation between poet and Rain
  • Soft showers of rain produce sound
  • Sound acts like a music to ears
  • poet fascinated by it
  • Poet asks who are you”
  • Rain answers back
  • poet is surprised

Cycle Of Earth

Cycle Of Earth

Rain Says-”

  • I am the poem of earth
  • Eternal
  • Untouched
  • I rise out of the land and sea
  • goes upward to sky
  • shape becomes dim
  • change in shape

Descend to Wash

Descend to Wash
  • Comes down to earth
  • washes the
    • Dryness
    • Tiny particles
    • Dust layers of Earth
  • Seeds grow

Bloom of the Rain

Descend to Wash
  • Poet compares rain to a song
  • Gives life to earth
  • beautiful the earth
  • completes the cycle
  • Returns with love
Notice the following sentences patterns”

Rewrite these sentences in Prose

Question”1 And who art thou? sad I to soft-falling shower

2. I am the poem of earth, said the voice of the rain

3. Eternal I rise

4. Fast song ———— Duly with love returns


  1. I said” to the soft falling shower, who are you”
  2. The voice of the rain said ” i am the poem of earth
  3. I rise eternally
  4. The song Originates from its birth-place and fulfills its purpose it then returns to the singer with all due love

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