Dissolution of partnership firm -with Examples

Dissolution of partnership firm

what is meant by dissolution of the firm,

meaning of dissolution firm : dissolution of partnership between all the partners of a firm is called the dissolution of the firm , in such a case, the business of the firm also comes to an end

The circumstances under which a firm is dissolved

A firm may be dissolved on any one of the following grounds

(i) by Agreement: A firm may be dissolved with the consent of all the partners or in accordance with a contract between the partners

(ii) Dissolution by notice: in case of partnership at will, the firm may be dissolved by any partner giving notice in writing to all other partners of his intention to dissolved the firm

(iii) Compulsory Dissolution : A firm is compulsorily dissolved if

  1. all the partners except one become insolvent or all the partners become insolvent
  2. the business of the partnership has become illegal by happening of an event,

(iv) Dissolution by the court: The court may, at the move of a partner, dissolve a firm in any one of the following ways,

  1. when a partner has become of unsound mind
  2. when a partner has become permanently incapable of performing his duties as a partner
  3. when a partner is guilty of misconduct which is likely to affect prejudicially the business of the firm
  4. when a partner wilfully and persistently commits breach of agreement regarding management of the affairs of the firm,
  5. when a partner has transferred the whole of his interest to a third party,
  6. any other ground which renders it just and equitable that the firm should be dissolved ,

(v) subject to contract between the partner’s ; a firm is dissolved

  • by the expiry of the term for which the firm was formed: or
  • by the completion of the venture for which the firm was formed , or
  • by the death of a partner, or by the adjudication of a partner as an insolvent
Distinguish between dissolution of the partnership and dissolution of the firm
basic of distinction Dissolution of the partnership Dissolution of the firm
(1) when Dissolved A partnership is dissolved when a new partner is admitted or an old partner retires or dies, A firm is dissolved by the partners mutually or by the court
(2) Termination of the businessThe business of the firm is not terminated the dissolution of the firm means termination of the partnership business
(3) treatment of assets and liabilities In the event of dissolution of partnership, assets and liabilities are revalued and a new balance sheet is drawn, In the event of dissolution of the firm, assets are realized and liabilities are paid of,
(4) Preparation of Accounts Revaluation account is prepared to ascertain the profit or loss on revaluation, Realisation account is prepared to ascertain the profit or loss on realisation
(5) Creation of new partnershipThe dissolution of a partnership will create a new partnership The dissolution of a firm will not create a new partnership
Short note on rule Garner vs Murray

Rule laid down in Garner vs murray: under section 42 of the Indian partnership act, 1932 if a partner of a firm becomes insolvent, the firm is dissolved insolvency means that the partner is unable tp pay off his liabilities towards the firm thus if at the time of dissolution of the firm , any partner’s capital account shows a debit balance he is to pay the amount as a debt to the firm , but if he is insolvent and can’t pay his debt due to the firm , the deficiency of the capital will be between them, if there is no such provision in the partnership agreement deficiency of the capital will be borne by other solvent partners in accordance with the decision in the English case of Garner vas, Murray

Unless otherwise agreed, the decision in Garner vs Murray requires:

  1. that the solvent partners should bring in cash equal to their respective shares of the loss on realisation
  2. that the solvent partners should bear the loss arising due to the insolvency of a partner in the ratio of their , last Agreed capital, i;e capital Ratio

Note: A partner having a debit balance or nil balance , will not have to bear the loss due to insolvency of a partner,

case Meaning of last agreed capital
(a) In case of fixed capitals last agreed capital means the fixed capital (given in the balance sheet without any adjustment ,
(b) In case of fluctuating capitals last agreed capital means the capital after adjusting all the reserves and accumulated profits to the date of dissolution , interest on capital and drawings to the date of dissolution but before adjusting profit or loss on realisation to the date of dissolution,
Distinguish between Realisation Account and Revaluation Account
Basic of Distinction Realisation Account Revaluation Account
(1) Meaning Realisation account records the realisation of the assets and settlement of the liabilities Revaluation account records the effect of revaluation of the assets and the liabilities
(2)Purposeit is prepared for determining the net profit/loss on realisation of the assets and settlement of the liabilities it is prepared to find out the net profit / loss on revaluation
(3) when prepared it is prepared at the time of dissolution of the firm it is prepared at the time of admission, retirement or death of a partner,
(4) contentsIn this account, all the assets and the liabilities are recorded In this account, only changes in the assets and the liabilities are recorded
(5) preparation of account This account is prepared only once during the file of a firmthis account may be prepared at a number of occassions during the file of a firm
(6) profit or loss The profit / loss on realisation is transferred to all the partner’s capital accounts, The profit/ loss on revaluation is transferred to the old partner’s capital accounts in the profit sharing ratio,

Example:1 A,B and C were partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2:1 the balance sheet of the firm as at 31ts march, 2012 was as follow:

liabilities Amount Assets Amount
capital accounts Building 2,00,000
A-2,00,000machinery 1,50,000
B-1,50,000stock 85,000
C-1,00,0004,50,000sundry debtors -140,000
General Reserve 24,000less: provision –(15,000)1,25,000
Investment fluctuation fund 5,000Investments 20,000
sundry creditors1,21,000cash at bank 20,000

The firm was dissolved various assets realised as follows:

  1. building –3,00,000
  2. machinery –1,40,000
  3. stock ——-77,000
  4. debtors—–1,26,000
  5. Investments–27,000

there was an unrecorded assets, its value was estimated at Rs, 30,000, half of this assets was taken over by an unrecorded creditor, the other half was taken over by A, Realisation expenses amounted to Rs, 8,000


  1. Realisation Account
  2. capital Accounts and
  3. cash at bank account


Realisation Account

particulars Amount particularsAmount
To building A/c 2,00,000by provision 15,000
To machinery 1,50,000by sundry creditors 1,21,000
To stock85,000by investment fluctuation fund 5,000
To sundry debtors1,40,000by bank A/c (assets Realised )
To investments20,000building 3,00,000
To bank A/c machinery 1,40,000
S’creditors ——1,21,000stock 77,000
To profit transferred to : Investments 27,000
A’s capital A/c —-51,000by A’s capital A/c 15,000
B’s capital A/c —-34,000(unrecorded assets )
C’s capital A/c —17,0001,02,000

capital Accounts

particulars ABCparticularsABC
To Realisation A/c 15,000by balance b/d2,00,0001,50,0001,00,000
To bank A/c 2,48,0001,92,0001,21,000by General Reserve 12,0008,0004,000
final payment by Realisation 51,00034,00017,000

Cash at bank Account

particulars Amount particulars Amount
To balance b/d 20,000by Realisation A/c 1,29,000
To realisation 6,70,000by A’s capita; a/c 2,48,000
by B’s capital a/c 1,92,000
by C’s capital a/c 1,21,000

Example:2 X,Y and Z are three partners in a partnership firm sharing profits and losses equally, the balance sheet of the firm as on march 31, 2013 was as under”:

Liabilities Amount AssetsAmount
sundry creditors25,00,000cash in hand 25,000
X’s loan 5,00,000stock 4,00,000
capital debtors 5,00,000
X:-4,00,000plant and machinery 10,00,000
z;-2,50,0006,50,000furniture and fittings 4,00,000
land & building 10,00,000
Y’s capital 3,25,000

The firm is dissolved due to weak financial position of the partners assets realized

stock-Rs, 2,50,000, plant & machinery-Rs, 5,00,000, furniture and fittings Rs, 100,000; land and building Rs, 4,00,000 and debtors-Rs, 2,75,000 only, Realisation Expenses amounted to Rs, 25,000

The following was the position of the partners:

partner Private Estate (Rs)Private liabilities (Rs)

prepare necessary ledger accounts in the books of the firm,


Realisation Account

particulars Amount particulars Amount
To stock 4,00,000by cash A/c (assets )
To debtors 5,00,000stock –2,50,000
To furniture and fittings 4,00,000debtors-2,75,000
To plant & machinery 10,00,000furniture and fittings-1,00,000
To land and building 10,00,000plant & machinery-5,00,000
To bank A/c 25,000land & building-4,00,00015,25,000
(Realisation Expenses )by loss on Realisation
transferred to
X’s capital A/c -6,00,000
Y’s capital A/c -6,00,000
Z’s capital A/c -6,00,00018,00,000

cash Account

particulars Amount particulars Amount
To balance b/d25,000by Realisation A/c (Expenses )25,000
To Realisation A/c 15,25,000by sundry (creditors)
To Y’s capital A/c 1,00,000(balancing figure)16,25,000

sundry Creditors Account

particulars Amount particulars Amount
To cash A/c (final payment )16,25,000by balance b/d 25,00,000
To deficiency A/c 8,75,000

capital Account of partners

particulars X (Rs)Y (Rs)z(Rs)particulars X (Rs)Y (Rs)Z(Rs)
To balance b/d 3,25,000by balance b/d 4,00,0002,50,000
To Realisation A/c (loss)6,00,0006,00,0006,00,000by cash A/c 1,00,000
To Deficiency A/c 3,00,000by Loan A/c 5,00,000
by deficiency A/c 8,25,0003,50,000

Deficiency Account

particulars Amount particulars Amount
To Y’s capital A/c 8,25,000by sundry creditors A/c 8,75,000
To z’s capital A/c 3,50,000by X’s capital A/c 3,00,000

Example;3 vk, pk and dk were equal partners and their balance sheet as on 31-3-2015 was follows ”

liabilities Amount Assets Amount
creditors 2,00,000plant & machinery 1,00,000
bank Loan (secured against plant & machinery )50,000land & building 1,15,000
vk’s Loan 65,000furniture & fixtures 40,000
capital Inventory 40,000
vk 40,000debtors35,000
Dk 25,000computer 15,000
cash in hand 2,500
pk’s capital 32,500

The firm was dissolved on the above date, vk and dk could not contribute anything and pk contributed Rs, 10,000 only all of them were declared insolvent

Assets realized the following amounts:

Inventory Rs, 2,500 plant & machinery Rs, 50,000, land & building Rs, 40,000 furniture and fixtures Rs, 10,000, debtors Rs, 19,250 and computer Rs, 8,250 Realization expenses amounted to Rs, 2,500

Prepare Realisation account, partners capital Account , deficiency account, cash account and liabilities account


Realisation A/c

particulars Amount particulars Amount
To plant & machinery A/ c1,00,000by cash A/c
To land & building A/c 1,15,000Inventory 2,500
To furniture and fixtures A/c 40,000plant & machinery 50,000
To Inventory A/c 40,000land & building 40,000
To debtors A/c 35,000furniture and fixtures 10,000
To computer A/c 15,000Debtors 19,200
To cash A/c (Realisation Expenses )25,00computer 8,250
by capital Accounts
loss on Realisation
vk –72,500

partner’s capital A/c

particulars vk dk pkparticulars vk dk pk
To balance b/d 32,500by balance b/d 40,00025,000
To realisation A/c 72,50072,50072,500by vk’s Loan A/c 65,000
To deficiency A/c 32,500by cash A/c 10,000
by Deficiency A/c 47,50095,000

bank Loan A/c

particulars Amount particulars Amount
To cash A/c 50,000by balance b/d 50,000

Creditors A/c

particulars Amount particulars Amount
To cash A/c 90,000by balance b/d 2,00,000
To deficiency 1,10,000

cash A/c

particulars Amount particulars Amount
To balance b/d 2,500by Realisation A/c 2,500
To Realisation A/c 1,30,000by bank loan A/c 50,000
To pk’s capital A/c 10,000by creditors A/c 90,000

Deficiency A/c

particulars Amount particulars Amount
To dk’s capital A/c 47,500by vk’s capital A/c 32,500
To pk’s capital A/c 95,000by creditors A/c 1,10,000

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