NCERT Biology-Cell: The Unit of life Most Important MCQs Question and answers

NCERT Biology-Cell: The Unit of life Most Important MCQs Question and answers

Question”1 what is the Fundamental structural and Functional unit of the living Organisms”?

  1. Cell
  2. Tissue
  3. Organ
  4. Organ system

Question”2 Study of the cells is called”

  1. Cytology
  2. Histology
  3. Dermatology
  4. Ornithology

Question”3 —— is known as father of cytology

  1. Robert hooke
  2. Robert koch
  3. Robert Brown
  4. None of these

Question”4 All livings are Composed of ———-

  1. Cells
  2. Tissue
  3. Organ
  4. Organ system

Question”5 who Discovered the cell”?

  1. Robert Hooke
  2. Robert Brown
  3. Leuwenhoek
  4. None of these

Question”6 when did Robert Hooke discover the cell”?

  1. 1661
  2. 1662
  3. 1664
  4. 1665

Question”7 Robert Hooke first saw the cell in ———

  1. Cork
  2. soil
  3. Teeth
  4. water

Question”8 Cell is a Latin word which Means”-

  1. Little room
  2. Large room
  3. Honeycomb
  4. None of these

Question”9 who wrote the book Micrographic”?

  1. Robert Hooke
  2. Robert Brown
  3. Leuwenhoek
  4. Schleiden

Question”10 Who Discovered a living Cell?

  1. Robert Hooke
  2. Leuwenhoek
  3. Robert Brown
  4. Rudolf Virchow

Question”11 who Proposed the cell theory”?

  1. Schleiden and Schwan
  2. watson and Crick
  3. Banthem and Hooker
  4. None of these

Question”12 Who said Omnis Cellula-e cellula”?

  1. Benda
  2. Rudolf Virchow
  3. Altman
  4. Purkinje

Question”13 ” Outermost layer of animal cell is “?

  1. Cell Membrane
  2. Cell wall
  3. Cytoplasm
  4. Nuclear Membrane

Question”14 Outermost layer of plant cell is”?

  1. Cell membrane
  2. cell well
  3. cytoplasm
  4. Nuclear membrane

Question”15 ——— is Found in plant cell but absent in animal cell

  1. Cell well
  2. Cell membrane
  3. Cytoplasm
  4. Nuclear

Question”16 Substance which makes up Maximum part of protoplasm”?

  1. water
  2. protein
  3. lipid
  4. Organic acid

Question”17 Prokaryotic cells have–

  1. Organised Nuclear
  2. Ribosome
  3. Mitochondria
  4. lysosome

Question”18 all Prokaryotic cells have wall Except—

  1. Bacteria
  2. Blue-green algae
  3. Mycoplasma
  4. None of these

Question”19 Genetic Material is naked in ———

  1. animal cell
  2. Plant cell
  3. Bacteria
  4. all of these

Question”20 which of the following is not an example of Prokaryotic cells”?

  1. Bacteria
  2. Mycoplasma
  3. Cyanobacteria
  4. amoeba

Question”21 Eukaryotic cells are found in —

  1. Protists
  2. Plants
  3. animals
  4. all of these

Question”22 ———— are found only in plant cellsbut not in animal cell

  1. Cell walls
  2. Plastids
  3. Chloroplasts
  4. all of these

Question”23 ——–is absent in animal cell

  1. Mitochondria
  2. lysosome
  3. Golgi body
  4. plastid

Question”24 Cell wall is absent

  1. Plant
  2. fungi
  3. bacteria
  4. animal Cell

Question”25 who Observed the Cell wall first”

  1. Robert Hooke
  2. Robert Brown
  3. Robert koch
  4. None of these

Question”26 Cell wall of algae is made up of ——–

  1. Cellulose
  2. Suberin
  3. Cutin
  4. Chitin

Question”27 Mostly plants Cell walls are made up of –

  1. Cellulose
  2. Hemicellulose
  3. Pectin
  4. all of these

Question”28 Pick the incorrect matched regarding Ingredients present in the Cell walls and their Functions

  1. Lignin–Strengthen
  2. Cutin–Prevent the water loss
  3. Suberin –water Transport
  4. all of these

Question”29 Cell Membrane is made up of mainly-

  1. Protein and lipid
  2. Cellulose and Hemicellulose
  3. lignin and pectin
  4. cutin and suberin

Question”30 which of the following is a selectively permeable membrane”?

  1. Cell membrane
  2. cell wall
  3. membrane of ribsome
  4. None of these

Question”31 Exchange of materials Through cell membrane takes place by

  1. Diffusion
  2. Osmosis
  3. Both above
  4. None of these

Question”32 The movement of water Molecule through selectively permeable Membrane is called——–

  1. Condition
  2. Osmosis
  3. Diffusion
  4. Convection

Question”33 Structure of the plasma membrane can observe only through a/ an ———-

  1. Telescope
  2. simple microscope
  3. Compound Microscope
  4. electron microscope

Question”34 protoplasm Consists

  1. Cytoplasm and cell wall
  2. Cytoplasm and cell membrane
  3. Cytoplasm and nucleus
  4. Cell wall and Cell membrane

Question”35 who discovered mitochondria”?

  1. Kolliker
  2. Robert Hooke
  3. Robert Brown
  4. Leuwenhoek

Question”36 who coined the term mitochondria”?

  1. Altman
  2. Benda
  3. Robert Brown
  4. Leuwenhoek

Question”37 Krebs cycle takes place in –

  1. Nucleus
  2. Golgi body
  3. Nucleolus
  4. Mitochondria

Question”38 following reaction takes place in——–Pyruvate -> water+carbon dioxide +energy (ATP)

  1. Cytoplasm
  2. nucleoplasm
  3. Mitochondria
  4. Vacuole

Question”39 ——- is known as powerhouse of the Cell”?

  1. Lysosome
  2. Ribosome
  3. Mitochondria
  4. Plastid

Question”40 ——– is able to dissolve or destroy the Cell?

  1. Mitochondria
  2. ribosome
  3. lysosome
  4. Plastid
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