Biology-Human Disease Important MCQs”

Biology-Human Disease Important MCQs”

Question”1 ——— is called as father of Medicine

  1. Darwin
  2. Heckle
  3. Edward Jenner
  4. Hippocrates

Question”2 The disease causing Organism in Humans is called ———

  1. vector
  2. Pathogen
  3. Pacterium
  4. Virus

Question”3 which of the following is an Infection disease?

  1. Diabetes
  2. Diphtheria
  3. Arthritis
  4. Cancer

Question”4 Irrational fear of disease is called –

  1. Hydrophobia
  2. Pathophobia
  3. Acrophobia
  4. Haemophobia

Question’5 Study of causes of the disease is called-

  1. Ecology
  2. Exobiology
  3. Acreology
  4. Etiology

Question”6 Malaria is caused by

  1. Virus
  2. Fungi
  3. Bacteria
  4. Protozoa

Question”7 ——– is a Disease caused by plasmodium Protozoan

  1. Pneumonia
  2. Malaria
  3. Plague
  4. Cancer

Question”8 Malaria is spread by the bite of ——– Mosquito

  1. Dengue
  2. Anopheles
  3. Culex
  4. Aedes

Question”9 Malaria Parasite completes its life cycle in

  1. Mosquito
  2. Human
  3. Both a and b
  4. elephant

Question”10 Malaria Parasites attack on

  1. RBCs
  2. WBCs
  3. Platelets
  4. None of these

Question”11 which of the following is a toxic substance?

  1. Sporozoite
  2. Hemozoin
  3. Haemolobin
  4. Thrombin

Question”12 Infections stage of malaria parasite is

  1. Trophozoite
  2. Sporozoite
  3. Tertranucleate cyst
  4. None of these

Question”13 who Discovered malaria Parasite?

  1. Ronal Ross
  2. Laveran
  3. Leuwenhoek
  4. Luis Pasture

Question”14 which of the following is not protozoan disease ?

  1. Amoebic Dysentery
  2. Kala-azar
  3. sleeping sickness
  4. Haemophilia

Question”15 which of the following is wrong-

  1. Sleeping sickness –Trypnosoma
  2. Amoebiasis –Enamoeba histolytica
  3. Kala-azar — Leishmaniana donovani
  4. Pyorrhoea — plasmodium vivex

Question”16 Vector of kala-azar disease is –

  1. Female anopheles Mosquito
  2. House fly
  3. tse-tse fly
  4. sand fly

Question”17 Vector of sleeping sickness is –

  1. anopheles mosquito
  2. house fly
  3. tse-tse fly
  4. sand fly

Question”18 Chloroquine and quinine are medicines for the treatment of ——–

  1. kala -azar
  2. Malaria
  3. Dysentery
  4. sleeping sickness

Question”19 Quinine is Extracted from the bark of the ——–

  1. Cinchona
  2. Neem
  3. Babul
  4. Peepal

Question”20 which of the following is a gum disaesse?

  1. Dysentery
  2. sleeping sickness
  3. Prorroea
  4. Malaria

Question”21 Oriental sores is a Disease caused by ———

  1. Virus
  2. Bacteria
  3. Protozoa
  4. Fungi

Question”22 which of the following disease is caused by plasmodium falciparum?

  1. Dumdum fever
  2. Kala-azar
  3. black water fever
  4. Prorrhea

Question”23 which of the following is a None-infections disease ?

  1. Malaria
  2. Pyorrhoea
  3. Beri beri
  4. Sleeping sickness

Question”24 which of the following is whooping cough?

  1. Pneumonia
  2. Pertussis
  3. Leprosy
  4. Cholera

Question”25 Intestinal fever is a disease caused by ——

  1. Bacteria
  2. virus
  3. Fungi
  4. Protozoa

Question”26 Marry mallon is known for

  1. Tyhoid
  2. Cholera
  3. Syphilis
  4. Gonorrhoea

Question”27 Pick the Incorrect matched-

  1. Tyhoid — Salmonella typhi
  2. Tetanus –Chlostridium tetani
  3. Cholera — Vibrio Cholerea
  4. Plague — Treponema Pallidum

Question”28 For which widal test is used ?

  1. Cholera
  2. syphilis
  3. Tetanus
  4. Tyhoid

Question”29 Black death is caused by ——-

  1. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  2. Yersinia pestis
  3. Treponema Pallidum
  4. Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Question”30 Tuberculosis is a ———- Disease

  1. Viral
  2. Bacterial
  3. Fungal
  4. Round worm

Question”31 which of the following is a disease of lungs?

  1. Tetanus
  2. Cholera
  3. Tuberculosis
  4. Plague

Question”32 which of the following is a lock” jaw disease?

  1. Pneumonia
  2. Syphilis
  3. Gonorrhoea
  4. Tetanus

Question”33 Disease which spread by Contaminated food and water is

  1. Typhoid
  2. Cholera
  3. Dysentery
  4. all of these

Question”34 Diphtheria affects ———–

  1. Eyes
  2. Chicks
  3. Lungs
  4. Kidneys

Question”35 which of the following is a bacterial STD?

  1. Trachoma
  2. Gonorrhoea
  3. AIDS
  4. Ringworm

Question”36 Syphilis is a ———- sexually transmitted disease (STD)

  1. Viral
  2. Fungi
  3. Bacterial
  4. Protozoan

Question”37 which of the following is not a bacterial disease?

  1. Pneumonia
  2. Ringworm
  3. Trachoma
  4. Tuberculosis

Question”38 Trachoma affects –

  1. Eye
  2. Liver
  3. Intestine
  4. Lungs

Question”39 which is incorrect regarding tuberculosis?

  1. Bacterial disease
  2. Air born disease
  3. STD
  4. Affects lungs

Question”40 which of the following is a water born disaes?

  1. Diabetes
  2. Cholera
  3. small pox
  4. Malaria

Question”41 which of the following Organ of human body is affected by Pneumonia?

  1. Kidney
  2. Lung
  3. Throat
  4. Liver

Question”42 which of the following disease is spread by water?

  1. Tuberculosis
  2. Jaundice
  3. Cholera
  4. Diphtheria

Question”43 Insect which spreads disease-

  1. vector
  2. Intermediary
  3. Broker
  4. Drone

Question”44 The triple vaccine is given to the new born baby to protect against which diseases?

  1. whooping, Cough , Tetanus, Measles
  2. whooping cough, Tetanus, Diphtheria
  3. Tetanus, Diphtheria, Rubella
  4. Tetanus, Diphtheria, measles

Question”45 BCG Immunization is for

  1. Mumps
  2. TB
  3. Diphtheria
  4. Leprosy

Question”46 which of the following is communicable disease?

  1. Diabetes
  2. Diphtheria
  3. Cancer
  4. Arthritis

Question”47 Amoebiasis Causes

  1. Diarrhea
  2. Fever
  3. Common cold
  4. headache and cold

Question”48 Microorganisms that Cause disease-

  1. Vector
  2. Pathogen
  3. antigen
  4. antibiotic

Question”49 which of the following is a biological treatment of mosquito prevention?

  1. DDT
  2. Gambusia
  3. Oil
  4. Ointment

Question”50 In BCG Vaccine C” stands for

  1. Calmetta
  2. Cough
  3. Chlorine
  4. Cadmium
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