NCERT-Biology: Nervous system Most important MCQs”

Biology: Nervous system Most important MCQs” (Multiple choice Questions)

Question”1 which system in our body performs the function of control and coordination?

  1. Endocrine system
  2. Circulatory system
  3. Neural system
  4. Both a and c

Question”2 the nervous systems of animals are composed of highly specialized cells called——–

  1. hepatic cells
  2. neurons
  3. nephrons
  4. mucus cell

Question”3 what is the structural and functional unit of neural system?

  1. Nephron
  2. spinal cord
  3. brain
  4. Neuron

Question”4 In humans nervous system is divided into two parts, their names are-

  1. Central nervous system (CNS)
  2. Hormonal -neural system
  3. Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
  1. A and B
  2. b and C
  3. A and C
  4. only A

Question”5 the central nervous system includes-

  1. Brain and bone marrow
  2. brain and spinal cord
  3. bone marrow and spinal cord
  4. only Brain

Question”6 the peripheral nervous system includes-

  1. Brain
  2. Bone marrow
  3. all neurons
  4. backbone

Question”7 Nerves which transmit the impulse from sense Organ to CNS are called –

  1. sensory Organ
  2. Motor nerve
  3. efferent nerve
  4. None of these

Question”8 Other name of sensory Organ is –

  1. efferent nerve
  2. afferent nerve
  3. afferent nerve
  4. Nephron

Question”9 Nerves which transmit the regulatory impulse or information from CNS to sense Organ are called –

  1. Motor nerve
  2. efferent nerve
  3. both A and B
  4. None of these

Question”10 Somatic nervous system and automatic nervous system are the two types of ——–

  1. Central nervous system
  2. Peripheral nervous system
  3. sympathetic nervous system
  4. Parasympathetic nervous system

Question”11 ——— Transmits the impulse from CNS to voluntary muscles

  1. Somatic nervous system
  2. automatic nervous system
  3. hormone
  4. blood

Question”12 ——– Transmits the impulse from CNS involuntary and smooth muscles

  1. Exocrine system
  2. automatic nervous system
  3. circulatory system
  4. somatic nervous system

Question”13 Types of autonomic neural system is/are –

  1. Sympathetic nervous system
  2. parasympathetic nervous system
  3. both A and B
  4. Visceral nervous system

Question”14 which of the following is not a function of sympathetic nerve ?

  1. Increasing blood pressure
  2. Increasing heart beat
  3. Increasing respiration rate
  4. Contraction of pupil

Question”15 which one among the following is not a part of a neuron ?

  1. cell body
  2. dendrite
  3. axon
  4. bowman’s capsule

Question”16 the cytoplasmic part of a neuron is also known as –

  1. cell body
  2. soma
  3. cyton
  4. all of the above

Question”17 Nissl’s granules are found in –

  1. cell body of nephron
  2. cell body of nephron
  3. dendrite of neuron
  4. nucleus of neuron

Question”18 what is found in a synaptic knob of a neuron?”

  1. Hormone
  2. neurotransmitter
  3. digestive enzyme
  4. hydrogen chloride acid

Question”19 Pick the correct Order by keeping the structure of neuron in your mind-

  1. Loop of henley -> dendrite ->axon ->synaptic knob
  2. Dendrite ->cell body ->axon ->synaptic knob
  3. synaptic knob -> soma -> dendrite -axon
  4. soma ->dendrite -> synaptic knob ->axon

Question”20 Junction between two neurons is called –

  1. Nodes of Ranvier
  2. Synapse
  3. Loop of Henle
  4. Axon end

Question”21 which of the following is not a type of neuron on the basis of numbers of axons and dendrites?

  1. Unipolar
  2. Bipolar
  3. Multipolar
  4. Myelinated

Question”22 which of the following is a type of an axon or nerve fiber?

  1. Myelinated
  2. Node of Ranvier
  3. Non myelinated
  4. Both A and C

Question”23 The gap present between the two adjacent myelin sheath in a neuron is known as –

  1. Schwann cell
  2. Node of Ranvier
  3. synaptic knob
  4. synapse

Question”24 cell Membrane of an axon is called –

  1. Sarcolemma
  2. axolemma
  3. neuroplasm
  4. Neurolemma

Question”25 Cytoplasm of an axon is called –

  1. sarcolemma
  2. neurolemma
  3. axoplsam
  4. Neuroplasm

Question”26 which of the following is an excitable cell”?

  1. Nephron
  2. neuron
  3. schwann cell
  4. None of these

Question”27 A nerve impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another neuron through ———-

  1. Synapse
  2. Cerebrospinal fluid
  3. axoplasm
  4. neuroplasm

Question”28 Gap between two neurons is called –

  1. receptors
  2. synaptic cleft
  3. axon
  4. dendrite

Question”29 which of the following is a type of synapse?”

  1. Chemical synapse
  2. electrical synapse
  3. neutral synapse
  4. both A and B

Question”30 which one is incorrect regarding electrical synapse?

  1. it is less in number in our body
  2. Transmission of impulses is more rapid than chemical synapses
  3. Transmission of impulses is slower than chemical synapses
  4. None of these

Question”31 which of the following is a central information Processing organ in our body?

  1. ear
  2. eye
  3. heart
  4. brain

Question”32 which organ in our body acts as the command and control “system?

  1. heart
  2. brain
  3. spinal cord
  4. bone marrow

Question”33 which of the following is/are an involuntary organs (s) in our body?

  1. heart
  2. lungs
  3. kidney
  4. all of these

Question”34 Average weight of an adult human brain is –

  1. 1.0 –2.0 kg
  2. 1.2 –1.4 kg
  3. 1.5 — 2.0 kg
  4. 2.0 — 3.0 kg

Question”35 how many total numbers of neurons are there in an adult human brain ?

  1. 86bmillion
  2. 86 billion
  3. 50 mullion
  4. 50 billion

Question”36 which of the following is not a function of a human brain?

  1. It controls the voluntary movement
  2. it controls the actions of involuntary organs
  3. it controls the balance of body
  4. it transports the oxygen

Question”37 which of the following organs are a site for processing of vison, hearing, speech, memory, intelligence, emotion and thoughts?

  1. heart
  2. spinal cord
  3. kidney
  4. brain

Question”38 human brain is well protected by the ——–

  1. ribs
  2. back bone
  3. cranium
  4. hypothalamus

Question”39 The protective layer of our brain and spinal cord is called –

  1. Pericardium
  2. meninges
  3. corpus callosum
  4. renal fascia

Question”40 which of the following is a layer of meninges?

  1. dura matter
  2. arachnoid matter
  3. pia matter
  4. all of these

Question”41 which one is incorrect regarding cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) “?

  1. It is found in our internal ear
  2. it Protects the brain from extemal shock
  3. it keeps the brain moist
  4. it provides oxygen and nutrition to brain

Question”42 which of the following is/are the parts (s) of human brain?

  1. Forebrain
  2. midbrain
  3. hindbrain
  4. all of these

Question”43 the main thinking part of our brain is ———

  1. Forebrain
  2. midbrain
  3. hindbrain
  4. cerebellum

Question”44 which one among the following structures is not found in forebrain?

  1. Cerebrum
  2. thalamus
  3. hypothalamus
  4. medulla

Question”45 Pick the incorrect statement regarding hypothalamus-

  1. It is also an endocrine gland
  2. It controls the secretion of pituitary gland
  3. it is controlled by pituitary gland
  4. it controls the urges for eating and drinking

Question”46 Our body temperature is controlled by –

  1. Pons
  2. thalamus
  3. hypothalamus
  4. cerebrum

Question”47 which of the following is known as the thermostat of the body?”

  1. thalamus
  2. epithalamus
  3. hypothalamus
  4. pituitary

Question”48 Hypothalamus contains-

  1. hunger centre
  2. thirst centre
  3. satiety centre
  4. all of these

Question”49 which of the following is known as relay centre of the brain?

  1. epithalamus
  2. thalamus
  3. hypothalamus
  4. medulla

Question”50 Corpus callosum connects-

  1. Cerebral hemispheres
  2. Forebrain and midbrain
  3. Midbrain and hindbrain
  4. Forebrain and hindbrain
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