From the diary of Anne frank class 10 chapter 4 Important Question and answers

From the diary of Anne frank class 10 chapter 4 Important Question and answers

From the diary of Anne class 10 we have complied NCERT Question for class 10 with Answers From the diary of Anne were prepared according to the latest question paper pattern Practicing these From the diary of Anne class 10 Question and Answers really effective to improve yours basics and learn

Question:1 what makes writing in a diary a strange experience for Anne frank?

Answer” It was the first anne was writing in a diary she felt that later no one would be interested in reading about the thoughts of a young girl, both facts made it a strange experience for her

Question”2 Why does Anne want to keep a diary?

Answer” Anne wanted to keep a diary and write in it because she had a lot going on in her head she had no friend with she could talk about such personal stuff thus she decided to maintain a diary,

Question”3 why did anne think she could confide more in her diary that in people?

Answer” According to anne frank paper” has more patience than people” she chose confide more in her diary because she felt there was no afraid who could listen to her with enough patience

Question”4 why does Anne provide a brief sketch of her life?

Answer” Anne feels it would be weird to just a simply jot down facts without giving her background In case someone might read it in future he/she wan’t be able to understand vaguely stated facts thus she decided provide a brief of her life

Question”5 what tells you that anne loved her grandmother?

Answer” The facts Anne spent some part of her childhood with her grandmother is self-sufficient to imply connection between the two also the mentioned in her diary that she misses her grandmother more than anyone is aware of is evident enough that she loved her grandmother

Question”6 why was Mr keesing annoyed with Anne ? what did he ask her to do?

Answer” Mr keesing Anne’s maths professor was annoyed with her because she would not stop talking during his lectures as a result which he gave her assignments as punishments

Question”7 How did Anne justify her being a chatterbox in her essay?

Answer” Anne explained that she got this habit of speaking to much from her mother mentioning that it was inherited

Question”8 what made Mr keesing allow Anne to talk in class?

Answer” On being given the third assignment as Punishment Anne wrote a satirical piece which was quite promising thus finally the professor allowed her to talk

(From the diary of Anne frank class 10 Question and answers )

Thinking About the text

Question”1 was Anne right when she said that the would not be interested in the musings of a thirteen -years old girl?

Answer” Yes Anne was right in thinking that the world would not be interested in the musings of a thirteen -years old girl as she was a common girl no one would want to know her feelings and so” no one would read her diary

Question”2 There are some examples of diary or journal entries in the before you read” Section compare these with what Anne writes in her diary what language was the diary Originally written in? In what way is Anne’s diary different

Answer” Anne’s diary was actually written in Dutch her diary is different from that of others on various aspects she had named her diary kitty” she thought of it as her only true friend she could confide in kitty she treated it as another person because according to her paper Dearest kitty” and ended the account by writing yours Anne”

Questin”3 why does Anne need to give a brief sketch about her family? does she treat kitty” as an insider or an outsider?

Answer” Anne feels it would be weird to just simply jot down facts without giving her background In case someone might treat it in future he/she won’t be able to understand vaguely stated facts thus she decided to provide a brief sketch of her life with whom she could share each and everything

Question”4 How does Anne feel about her father her grandmother Mrs kuperus and Mr Keesing? what do these tell you about her?

Answer” According to Anne her father is the most lovable man one could ever come across she loved and missed her grandmother more than she showed she was on good terms with her teachers except the old fogey Mr Kuperus was her class teachers and both were very close to each other, Mr keesing often punished Anne with extra assignments as a Punishment for her talkative nature these indicated that Anne was affectinate and a loving person

Question”5 what does Anne write in her first essay?

Answer” In her essay Anne mentions that she will try her best to minimise talking between lectures but this is a trait she Inherited from her mother and it is difficult to eliminate an Inherited trait also her mother talks as much as she does if not more she also stressed that talking was a necessary quality for a good student’

Question”6 Anne says teachers are most unpredictable is Mr, keesing unpredictable ? how?

Answer” Yes” Mr keesing is an unpredictable person he is angry with Anne for being talkative in class and gives her extra assignments as a punishment but later he finds her essays to by witty and amusing this brings a change in him and he accepts her arguements he develops a funny bone too and starts cracking jokes in the class this change Mr Kessing’s nature shows that he is Unpredictable ‘

(From the diary of Anne frank class 10 Question and answers )

Question”7 what do these statements tell you about Anne frank as a person?

i’ we don’t seem to be able to get any closer and that’s the problem maybe it’s my fault that’ we don’t confide in each other’

Answer” This shows that Anne does not confide in people very easily it is difficult for her to make personal relations where she could share what’s going on in her mind

ii. Don’t want to jot down the facts in this diary the way most people would but I want the diary to be my friend

Answer” This statements indicates that Anne does not have a close friend she could confide in she was lonely despite having family and friends thus she wanted the diary to be her only true friend

iii. Margot went to Holland in december and I followed in Febuary when I was plunked down on the tables as a birthday present for Margot .

Answer” This statement is indicative of the love between the sisters On migration Anne was the last one to be brought to Hollard and it was done on the birthday of her elder sister to surprise her

iv” If you ask me there are so many dummies that about a quarter of the class should be kept back but teachers are the most Unpredictable creatures on earth

Answer” Anne feels that there are many weak students in the class who should be detailed Almost one fourth of the class did not deserve promotion but the teachers decision could not be predicted

V. Anyone could ramble on and leave big spaces between the words but the trick was to come up with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking

Answer” Anyone could write senseless stuff while leaving big gaps in order to fill up a number of pages and submit the assignment easily but Anne wanted to give such arguments which could prove that it was necessary for her to talk she wanted to write sensible stuff

Question”8 Do you keep a diary? given below under A” are some terms we use to describe a written record of personal experience can you match them with their descriptions under “B” (you may look up the terms in a dictionary if you wish )

(i) Journal A book with a separate space or page for each day in which you write down your thoughts and feelings or what has happened an that day
(ii) Diary A full record of a journey a period of time or an event written every day
(iii) Log A record of a person’s own life and experiences (Usually a famous personal )
(iv) Memories A written record of events with times and dates usually official

(From the diary of Anne frank class 10 Question and answers )


(i) Journal A full record of a journey a period of time or an event written every day
(ii) Diary A book with a separate space or page for each day in which you write down your thoughts and feelings or what has happened on that day
(iii) Log A written record of events with times and dates usually official
(iv) Memories A record of a person’s own life and experience (usually a famous person )

Question”9 Here are some entries from personal records use the definitions above to decide which of the entries might be from a diary a journal a log or a memoir

i. Woke up very late today and promtly got a scolding from Mum! Can’t help it how can i miss the FIFA world Cup matches?

Answer” i Diary

ii. The ride to Ooty was uneventful we rested for a while every 50 km or so and used the time to capture the magnificent landscape with my handycam from Ooty we went on to Banglore what a contract ! the noise and pollution of this once- beautiful city really broke my heart

Answer” Journal


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