The portrait of a lady class 11 chapter 1 Most Important MCQ’s Question and answer

The Portrait of a lady class 11 English Hornbill chapter 1 Most Important MCQ’s Question and answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ’s Questions for class 11 English book Hornbill chapter 1 The Portrait of a lady with answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. we have provided The Portrait of a lady class 11 chapter 1 English MCQ’s Questions with Answers to help class 11 students understand the concept very well

Class 11 English Hornbill chapter 1 MCQ’s Online Test

Question”1 who is the writer of the portrait of a lady ?

  1. M.hamel
  2. Khushwant singh
  3. villager
  4. Gardener

Question”2 According to narrator for how many years his grandmother was old and wrinkled ?

  1. 20
  2. 15
  3. 10
  4. 30

Question”3 Grandfather looked at least …………….. years of age in his phot

  1. 70
  2. 80
  3. 90
  4. 100

Question”4 who were good friends ?

  1. Narrator and katrina kaif (haha)
  2. Narrator and his father
  3. Narrator and his mother
  4. Narrator and his grandmother

Question”5 Narrator was staying with his …………….. in village when his parents moved to city .

  1. Maternal uncle
  2. Grand father
  3. Grandmother
  4. None

Question”6 who was teaching the narrator in school village

  1. school teacher
  2. priest
  3. English baba
  4. Lakhan sir

Question”7 In village, narrator used to write on a ……………

  1. Notebook
  2. Diary
  3. wooden slate
  4. None

Question”8 what was narrator’s breakfast village ?

  1. Bread
  2. Paratha
  3. Thick stale Chapati
  4. None

Question”9 Grandmother carried several chapatis for village …………….

  1. cats
  2. dogs
  3. cows
  4. hens

Question”10 where did narrator go for higher education ?

  1. Delhi
  2. Bangalore
  3. Abroad
  4. Pune

Question”11 After how many years narrator came back from abroad ?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6

Question”12 In city, Grandmother’s happiest moments of the day were with her ……………

  1. sparrows
  2. Dogs
  3. Cats
  4. None

Question”13 who is the main characters of the chapter the” portrait of a lady ?

  1. Mother
  2. sister
  3. Grandmother
  4. Daughter

Question”14 How did the grandmother look ?

  1. old, fat, long
  2. long, fat, slightly bent
  3. old, short, slightly bent, fat
  4. slightly bent, fat

Question”15 why would grandmother accompany the author to his school ?

  1. to keep an eye on him
  2. to wait for him to take him back to home
  3. because of the temple attached to school
  4. she wanted to meet villagers

Question”16 where were the parents of the author ?

  1. Abroad
  2. city
  3. Other village
  4. other state

Question”17 what would the grandmother do in the temple on a daily basis ?

  1. Meditation
  2. Read Scriptures
  3. sing religious prayers
  4. teach other kids religious prayers

Question”18 what was the turning point of the friendship between grandmother and author ?

  1. when he became an adult
  2. when his parents called them both to the city
  3. when he left her to live in the city with his parents
  4. when they stopped talking

Question”19 where did the author go to study in the city ?

  1. English school in motor bus
  2. by walking down to nearby school
  3. hindi school
  4. Nowhere

Question”20 what made the grandmother unhappy about the author’s new English school ?

  1. the fact that she could no longer help him with the lessons
  2. because they were in city
  3. because she didn’t understand English
  4. because she didn’t understand English and could no longer help him with the lessons

Question”21 why didn’t the grandmother like music ?

  1. It was the monopoly of harlots and beggars and not meant for gentlefolk
  2. she liked only religious prayers
  3. she liked the traditional folk music
  4. she thoughts it would distract him from studies

Question”22 How did the grandmother spends her time in the city ?

  1. feedings dogs
  2. reading scriptures
  3. spinning the wheel
  4. talking to neigbhours

Question”23 How did the grandmother spend her afternoon everyday ?

  1. by feeding hundred of sparrows
  2. by taking a nap
  3. by taking to author’s mother
  4. by going to temple

Question”24 what happened when the author moved abroad to study for five years ?

  1. grandmother bid goodbye by silently kissing his forehead
  2. No one came to see him
  3. Grandmother moved back to village
  4. parents moved with him

Question”25 what change came in the grandmother’s evening schedule ?

  1. she collected the women of the neighbourhood
  2. she would go for a walk
  3. she would sleep early
  4. she would talk to his parents

Question”26 what happened when the grandmother didn’t pray for the first time ?

  1. she fell ill the next day
  2. she made this her routine
  3. she took a break and went to the village
  4. None of the above

Question”27 How did the grandmother react to her illness?

  1. she said her end was near
  2. she ignored her health
  3. she took care of her
  4. she was admitted to the hospital

Question”28 what did the grandmother do in final hours?

  1. talked to everyone in the house
  2. worried about everyone
  3. silently praying and telling her beads
  4. went to temple

Question”29 How did the grandmother die?

  1. during telling beads laying on the bed
  2. In the hospital
  3. while sleeping
  4. None of the above

Question”30 How did the sparrows express their sorrow at the death of their grandmother ?

  1. they didn’t come that day
  2. they came and sat silently in the verandah
  3. they ate the bread crumbs
  4. they chirruped a lot

Question”31 what happened when they took the grandmother’s corpse away ?

  1. Neighbours visited them to pay condolences
  2. they mourned her death in her room
  3. birds flew away quietly
  4. Nothing happened

Question”32 where was the author’s grandfather’s portrait placed ?

  1. On a shelf
  2. hung above the mantelpiece
  3. put on the mantelpiece
  4. on a table

Question”33 Did the author bother to lean the morning prayers that his grandmother recited ?

  1. yes
  2. he listened but did not bother to learn
  3. he could not learn
  4. No

Question”34 when was their common link of friendship snapped ?

  1. when he went to college
  2. when he went to the university, they were given seperate rooms
  3. when he started working
  4. when he went abroad

Question”35 what was grandmother’s reaction when the author was going abroad ?

  1. happy
  2. sad
  3. not even sentimental
  4. sentimental

Question”36 what happened when the author moved abroad to study for five years ?

  1. grandmother bid goodbye by silently kissing his forehead
  2. No one came to see him
  3. Grandmother moved back to village
  4. Parents moved with him

Question”37 what was her reaction when he came back after 5 years ?

  1. Overwhelmed
  2. Clasped the author in her arms and said prayers
  3. happy
  4. sentimental

Question”38 where were the parents of the author ?

  1. Abroad
  2. city
  3. Other village
  4. Other state

Question”39 why would grandmother accompany the author to his school ?

  1. to keep an eye on him
  2. to wait for him to take him back to home
  3. because of the temple attached to school
  4. she wanted to meet villagers

Question”40 Grandmother used to wear ………………

  1. suit
  2. Spotless white sari
  3. Jeans top
  4. Gown


Q.No AnswerQ.No Answer

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