The Address class 11 chapter 2 English Snapshots Question and Answers

The Address class 11 chapter 2 English snapshots Question and Answers

The Address class 11 chapter 2 Question and answers NCERT solution for class 11 Question and answers were prepared according to the latest question paper pattern Practicing these The Address Question and answers for class 11 really effective to improve your basics and learn all the key concepts

(Reading with Insight)

Question”1 Have’ you come back ? said the woman. I thought that no one had come back’ does this statement give some clue about the story? if yes, what is it ?

Answer” Yes, these words by Mrs Dorling to the narrator shows that she least expected such a visit. she had presumed that all of them were dead. this lead to the conclusion that the story is set against the tragic circumstances of a war in which families. lost their lives and belongings. the statement tells us that the narrator and her family. at one time lived in that area and secondly, the clue that the war has brought about a lot of destruction and it seems that Mrs. Dorling was not expecting anyone to return to her house to claim the belongings.

Question”2 The story is divided into pre-war and post-war times. what hardships do you think the girl underwent during these times?

Answer” The story”the address is divided into pre-war and post-war times. there are clear indications of the hardships which the narrator. a young girl, had to undergo during these times, the girl came from a rich family. the family had a lot of valuable belongings. then the war broke out. Mrs. Dorling renewed her contact and started visiting their house. she took away all their possessions on the ground that she wanted to save all their nice things in case they had to leave the place . after the war was over. things became almost normal. now the girl was living all alone in a rented house. she wanted when she went to meet Mrs. Dorling she found that Mrs. Dorling was using her mother’s things recklessly. suddenly she lost interest in the things that had belonged to a connection that no longer existed. she decided to leave it all behind and resolved to move on.

Question”3 why did the narrator of the story want to forget the address?

Answer” The narrator was disappointed and disillusioned when she was allowed to enter Mrs. Dorling’s house during her second visit. she realised the futility of feeling attached to her mother’s belongings that were kept so distastefully. she just left without taking anything back and left like forgetting the address because she would only remember the past.

Question”4 The address; is a story of human predicament that follows war. Comment

Answer” The war creates many difficult and traumatic situations for human beings. Civilian life faces tremendous upheaval due to war. the human predicament that follows is amply illustrated through the experience of the narrator. the war had caused many physical difficulties. as well as emotional sufferings to her. she had lost her dear mother. she went to 46, Marconi street to see her mother’s valuable possessions, Mrs. Dorling was a true opportunist who had used the narrator’s mother’s belongings on the pretext of storing them for safekeeping. she refuses to recognize the narrator and does not even let her in. the narrator gets another chance to visit the house. the presence of her mother’s

Possessions in a strange atmosphere hurted these valuables had lost all their importance for her as they had been separated from her mother. she could get no solace or comfort from them. she resolved to forget the address. she wanted to leave the memories of her mother and the war behind. she decided to move on.

The Address class 11 Extra Important Question and Answer

Question”1 why did the narrator go to 46, Marconi street ?

Answer” The narrator went to 46, Marconi street to fetch the valuable articles from Mrs. Dorling after the death of her mother. Mrs Dorling had taken away all the precious belongings from her mother during pre-war time to keep them safe.

Question”2 How did Mrs. Dorling react when the narrator said, I am Mrs.’s daughter ?

Answer” Mrs. Dorling held her hand on the door as if she wanted to prevent it opening further. her face gave absolutely no sign of recognition.

Question”3 Ho was the behaviour of Mrs. Dorling ?

Answer” Mrs. Dorling was a crafty and greedy women who no intention to return the possession of the narrator’s mother to the narrator.

Question”4 what reasons did Mrs Dorling give to the narrator’s mother to take he belongings?

Answer” Mrs Dorling and the narrator’s mother were familiar. with each other. they met again during the pre-war time. she assured the narrator’s mother that she would keep her belongings safe if narrator’s mother had to leave the place. at least she would not lose everything.

Question”5 who had given the address to the narrator’ when and under what circumstances?

Answer” The narrator’s mother had given the address to her during the first half of the war. she told about Mrs Dorling and the address when the narrator missed various things in the rooms.

Question”6 why did the narrator feel that she was mistaken on seeing Mrs Dorling?

Answer” The narrator felt that she was mistaken on seeing Mrs Dorling because Mrs Dorling refused to recognise her when she went to the’ address, given by her mother, to fetch her mother’s belongings.

Question”7 why did the narrator of the story want to forget the addess?

Answer” The narrator of the story wanted to forget the address. because she saw the things arranged in a tasteless way in Mrs. Dorling house. the objects instantly lost their value severed from the narrator and her family. she did not want to see the tragic past of her life linked with those belongings and the address.

Question”8 why did the narrator wait a long time before going to the address number 46, Marconi street ?

Answer” she was afraid of being confronted with things that had belonged to her mother, who was now no more.

Question”9 How did the narrator come to know about Mrs Dorling and the address where she lived ?

Answer” The narrator went home for a few days to see her mother during the first half of the war years ago. after a couple of days, she noticed that something or other about the rooms had changed. she missed various things. then her mother told her about Mrs Dorling .

she was an old acquaintance of her mother. she had suddenly turned up after many years. now she came regularly and took something home with her every time she came. when the narrator asked her mother about it, she suggested that Mrs Dorling wanted to save all her nice things. when the narrator asked about Mrs Dorling’s dwelling, her mother told her address, number 46, Marconi street.

Question”10 How did the narrator reconcile herself to the loss of her mother’s precious belongings?

Answer” The narrator felt that her mother had only lent them for safe custody and Mrs Dorling was not to keep everything. on seeing these objects, memories of her former life were aroused. she found no room for these precious belongings in her present life, so she reconciled to her fate.

The Address class 11 Long Question and Answer

Question”1 Comment on the significance of the title of the story the address.

Answer” The title of the story the address is quite apt. it is the spring wheel of the action. in fact the it is the spring centres round it. the title is quite suggestive and occurs at the beginning. middle and end of the story. Marga Minco focuses the reader’s attention on it by the narrator’s doubt whether that she had reached the correct address.

The middle part of the story reveals how she came to know the address. it was mother who informed her about the place where Mrs Dorling lived and asked her to remember it. the story ends dramatically with the narrator’s resolve to forget the address. the wheel comes full circle she had remembered the address for so many years and now since the belongings of her mother stored there have lost their usefulness she finds that forgetting this address would be quite easy.

Question”2 what Impression do you form of the narrator?

Answer” The narrator leaves a very favourable impression on us about her emotional and intellectual qualities. we find her an intelligent but devoted daughter. she loves and respects her mother. but does not approve of her soft behaviour. towards her acquaintance, Mrs Dorling she puts a pointed question, which her mother thinks impolite.

The narrator has a keen power of observation. she notices during her brief stay at home that various things are missing from the rooms. she has s sharp power of judgment. she once sizes up Mrs Dorling . her persistent efforts to remind Mrs Dorling of her own identity and the latter’s relations with her mother reveal her indomitable spirit. she is a realist, who doesn’t like to remain tagged to the past. her resolution to forget the address and move on shows her grift and forward looking nature. she has a progressive personality.


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