Keeping Quiet class 12 Poem 3 MCQ Question and Answer

Keeping Quiet class 12 Poem 3 MCQ Question and Answer

Keeping Quiet class 12 MCQ NCERT Solution for class 12 English Moment were prepared according to the latest Exam pattern practicing these Keeping Quiet class 12 MCQ Really effective to Improve your basics and learn all the key concept.

Question:1 How long is the poet expecting everyone to stay still ?

  1. For 12 seconds
  2. for 1 minutes
  3. for 10 minutes
  4. for 1 second still we count 12

Answer 😀

Question:2 who is the poet of the poem keeping quiet ?

  1. pablo neruda
  2. kamla das
  3. Pb shelly
  4. Robert Frost


Question:3 what is the original language of the poem ?

  1. English
  2. German
  3. French
  4. spanish


Question:4 when did pablo Neruda win nobel prize ?

  1. 1979
  2. 1971
  3. 1970
  4. 1967


Question:5 what does the poet want us to for one second ?

  1. To chant
  2. To sing
  3. To count
  4. Not to utter in any language


Question:6 what does counting upto 12 signify and how will it help ?

  1. hours of the day
  2. months of a year
  3. it will help to create peace and harmony
  4. all


Question:7 what does the title of the poem suggest ?

  1. Inactivity
  2. happy
  3. love
  4. maintenance of silence


Question:8 what is the rhyming scheme used in the poem ?

  1. perfect rhyme
  2. free verse
  3. slant rhyme
  4. Monorhyme


Question:9 Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death ?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Not given in poem
  4. None


Question:10 what would everyone feel at that exotic moment ?

  1. happy
  2. content
  3. dancing
  4. strange blissful oneness


Question:11 what is poet’s pen name ?

  1. Neruda
  2. Peggy
  3. shelly
  4. pablo Neruda


Question:12 what is the meaning of Introspection ?

  1. love
  2. self love
  3. self analysis
  4. Meditation


Question:13 The poet evokes a symbol in order to invoke that there can be life even with stillness. the symbol is

  1. sun
  2. sky
  3. earth
  4. rain


Question:14 what will counting up to twelve help us with ?

  1. achieving harmony.brotherhood
  2. goal oriented mind
  3. Dreams
  4. winning a battlefield


Question:15 why does the poet reques people to keep quiet ?

  1. to maintain love
  2. to avoid fighting
  3. to be enemy
  4. in the hope of becoming more thoughtful and peaceful


Question:16 what is the poet expecting from fishermen ?

  1. To find pearls
  2. To hun fish
  3. to think and stop harming the fish
  4. All


Question:17 what are the different kinds of wars mentioned in the poem ?

  1. war against humanity
  2. war against nature
  3. war with gases and fire
  4. All these


Question:18 what is the sadness in the poem that the poet speaks about ?

  1. violence because of unthoughtfulness of the people
  2. unnecessary wars
  3. terriorism
  4. cold war


Question:19 what kind of victory do people win after fighting these wars ?

  1. Victory for super power
  2. victory with no survivor
  3. victory for women and children
  4. victories with enemy


Question:20 why does the poet request people to keep quiet ?

  1. to maintain silence
  2. in the hope of becoming more thoughtful and peaceful
  3. to be thoughtful
  4. To enjoy nature



These are very Important MCQ for Keeping Quiet class 12 you read the each questions carefully and if you are facing any problem related to this questions so please you can tell me in the comment box.


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