CFA mock exams level 1Practice and tests for success

Master Your CFA Level 1 Exam with the Best Mock Exams: Practice Tests for Success

CFA mock exams level 1
CFA mock exams level 1

The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level 1 exam is the first of three levels of exams required to earn the CFA charter. The CFA Level 1 exam focuses on the fundamental concepts and tools used in investment management and financial analysis. To prepare for the CFA Level 1 exam, candidates often use mock exams as a valuable study resource.

Mock exams for the CFA Level 1 exam typically include practice questions that closely resemble the format and content of the actual exam. They are designed to help candidates assess their knowledge, identify areas of weakness, and become familiar with the exam’s structure and time constraints. Here’s how you can access and use mock exams for CFA Level 1

  1. CFA Institute Official Mock Exams: The CFA Institute, the organization that administers the CFA exams, provides official mock exams for each level. These mock exams closely mirror the actual exam’s content and format. You can purchase them on the CFA Institute’s website. They are highly recommended for candidates preparing for the exam.
  2. Third-Party Providers: There are many third-party providers, such as Kaplan Schweser and Wiley, that offer CFA Level 1 mock exams. These providers often create practice questions and mock exams that align with the CFA curriculum. These can be useful supplements to your study materials.
  3. Online Forums and Communities: Joining CFA exam-related online forums and communities can be a great way to find free or shared mock exams. Candidates sometimes create and share their own practice questions and mock exams.

When using mock exams for CFA Level 1, here are some tips:

  1. Simulate Exam Conditions: Take the mock exams under timed and proctored conditions to mimic the actual test day experience.
  2. Review Answers and Solutions: After completing a mock exam, thoroughly review your answers and the provided solutions. Focus on understanding why you got certain questions wrong and work to improve in those areas.
  3. Track Your Progress: Keep track of your scores on mock exams over time. This will help you gauge your improvement and determine if you are ready for the actual exam.
  4. Use Mock Exams Strategically: Incorporate mock exams into your study plan at various points during your preparation. They can be valuable tools for identifying weak areas and adjusting your study focus.

Remember that passing the CFA Level 1 exam requires a strong understanding of the curriculum and a commitment to extensive study and practice. Mock exams are just one component of a comprehensive study strategy. It’s essential to also read the official curriculum, use study notes, and practice with other types of study materials to increase your chances of success on the exam.

free cfa mock exams level 1

CFA Level 1 mock exams provided directly by the CFA Institute were not available for free. The CFA Institute typically charges a fee for official mock exams and practice questions. These official materials are highly regarded because they closely align with the actual CFA exams in terms of content and format.

However, there may be some free resources and alternatives that you can consider for practice:

  1. Third-Party Websites: Some third-party websites and forums dedicated to CFA candidates may offer free practice questions and mock exams. Websites like, 300Hours, and others may provide free sample questions.
  2. CFA Exam Prep Providers: Some CFA exam prep providers offer free trial versions of their study materials, including mock exams. While these trials may not provide full mock exams, they can still be valuable for practice.
  3. Online Communities: Join online CFA communities and forums where candidates often share resources, including practice questions and mock exams created by other candidates. Be cautious about the quality and accuracy of materials from these sources.
  4. Library Resources: Local libraries and university libraries may have CFA exam study materials, including older versions of study guides and mock exams, available for borrowing.
  5. Study Groups: Consider joining or forming a study group with fellow CFA candidates. Group members often create and share practice questions and mock exams to help each other prepare.

Keep in mind that the availability of free resources can change over time, and the CFA Institute’s policies regarding mock exams may also evolve. It’s a good idea to check the official CFA Institute website and explore reputable CFA exam preparation websites and forums for the most current information and free resources available for CFA Level 1 candidates.

How many mock exams cfa level 1

CFA Institute typically provides two official mock exams for candidates preparing for the CFA Level 1 exam. These mock exams are specifically designed to help candidates practice and prepare for the Level 1 exam.

These official CFA Institute mock exams are highly regarded because they closely mimic the format, structure, and content of the actual CFA Level 1 exam. They are a valuable resource for candidates to assess their knowledge, identify areas of weakness, and get a sense of the types of questions they might encounter on the real exam.

Please note that the availability and format of official CFA Institute mock exams may change from year to year. Therefore, I recommend visiting the CFA Institute’s official website or contacting them directly for the most up-to-date information on mock exams and other study resources for the CFA Level 1 exam. Additionally, third-party CFA exam preparation providers may offer their own mock exams as part of their study packages, so you may want to explore those options as well.

CFA sample test level 1

The CFA Institute, the organization that administers the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exams, provides sample questions and practice exams for each level of the CFA program on its official website. These sample tests are designed to help candidates get a sense of the format and types of questions they can expect on the actual CFA Level 1 exam. Here’s how to access CFA Level 1 sample tests:

  1. Visit the CFA Institute Website: Go to the official CFA Institute website at
  2. Navigate to the CFA Program Section: Look for the “CFA Program” or “Candidates” section on the website’s main menu. Click on it to access the CFA Program resources.
  3. Access Sample Questions: Within the CFA Program section, you should find a subsection dedicated to sample questions and practice exams. Look for links or resources related to “CFA Level 1” or “Sample Questions” or “Practice Exams.”
  4. Download Sample Tests: The CFA Institute typically provides PDF files that you can download for free. These PDFs contain sample questions and answers for each CFA Level, including Level 1.
  5. Review and Practice: Download the sample test for CFA Level 1 and use it as a practice resource. Pay close attention to the format of the questions and the level of difficulty. This can help you gauge your readiness and identify areas where you may need further study.

Please note that while the CFA Institute provides sample questions and practice exams, these resources are limited in scope compared to full-length mock exams that are specifically designed to simulate the actual exam experience. For comprehensive exam preparation, candidates often use a combination of official CFA Institute materials, third-party study materials, and mock exams from reputable providers. Additionally, the availability and format of sample questions and practice exams may change over time, so it’s advisable to check the CFA Institute’s official website for the most up-to-date resources and information.

Q & A

Question:1 What is the best CFA Level 1 mock exam?

Answer :Determining the “best” CFA Level 1 mock exam can be subjective, as it often depends on individual preferences and learning styles. However, there are some well-regarded mock exams that many CFA Level 1 candidates find valuable for their preparation. Here are a few reputable options:

  1. CFA Institute’s Official Mock Exams: The CFA Institute offers official mock exams for each level of the CFA program, including Level 1. These mock exams closely mimic the format, content, and difficulty of the actual CFA Level 1 exam. They are highly recommended for candidates because they are created by the same organization that designs the real exams.
  2. Kaplan Schweser: Kaplan Schweser is a popular provider of CFA exam study materials, including mock exams. Their mock exams are known for being comprehensive and aligning closely with the CFA curriculum. Many candidates find them beneficial for practice.
  3. Wiley’s CFA Exam Review: Wiley also offers CFA exam review materials, including mock exams. Their practice exams are known for their quality and can be a valuable addition to your study resources.
  4. AnalystPrep: AnalystPrep is another provider of CFA exam prep materials, including mock exams. They offer a range of practice questions and mock exams that can help candidates prepare effectively.
  5. CFA Societies: Some CFA societies and local study groups may offer their own mock exams as part of their study programs. These exams can be beneficial for candidates seeking additional practice.

When choosing a CFA Level 1 mock exam, consider your budget, study preferences, and the amount of practice you require. It’s often a good idea to use a combination of mock exams from different providers to get a well-rounded preparation experience. Additionally, review candidate reviews and testimonials to gauge the quality and effectiveness of the mock exams. Ultimately, the best mock exam for you is one that helps you assess your knowledge, identify weak areas, and build confidence for the actual CFA Level 1 exam.

Question:2 Is CFA Level 1 mock exam harder?


The difficulty of CFA Level 1 mock exams can vary depending on the provider and the specific set of questions included in the mock exam. However, in general, CFA Level 1 mock exams are designed to be similar in difficulty to the actual CFA Level 1 exam. The intention is to provide candidates with a realistic simulation of the exam experience, including the level of complexity and the types of questions they can expect on the real test.

CFA Level 1 exams, whether official or provided by reputable third-party providers, are known for being challenging. They cover a wide range of topics in finance and investment and require candidates to have a strong understanding of the CFA Institute’s curriculum.

The level of difficulty can also vary from one candidate to another based on their background, experience, and level of preparation. Some candidates may find certain topics or question types more challenging than others.

It’s important for candidates to use mock exams as a tool for self-assessment and practice. Completing mock exams can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, refine your exam-taking strategies, and become more comfortable with the exam format. If you find mock exams to be challenging, it’s a good sign that you need to focus your study efforts on the areas where you are struggling the most.

Question:3 How many mocks should I do for CFA Level 1?

Answer: The number of mock exams you should complete when preparing for the CFA Level 1 exam can vary from candidate to candidate based on individual preferences and study needs. However, a common recommendation is to aim for a minimum of two to four full-length mock exams. Here are some factors to consider when deciding how many mocks to complete:

  1. Quality over Quantity: It’s more important to focus on the quality of your mock exams rather than the quantity. Choose mock exams from reputable sources, such as the CFA Institute’s official mock exams and well-known third-party providers.
  2. Time Constraints: Consider the amount of time you have left in your study schedule. If your exam date is approaching, you may not have enough time to complete numerous mock exams. In this case, prioritize completing a few high-quality mocks.
  3. Learning Style: Some candidates benefit from more practice exams, while others prefer a smaller number of mocks and spend more time reviewing and understanding the material. Assess your learning style and adapt your strategy accordingly.
  4. Identifying Weaknesses: The purpose of mock exams is to identify your strengths and weaknesses. If you find that you consistently struggle with certain topics or question types, it may be beneficial to focus on targeted review and practice in those areas.
  5. Balanced Preparation: A well-rounded study plan should include a mix of mock exams, practice questions, reading the curriculum, and reviewing study notes. Balance your study activities to ensure comprehensive preparation.
  6. Review Time: Keep in mind that reviewing your mock exam results and understanding your mistakes is equally important. Allocate sufficient time to thoroughly review your mock exams to learn from your errors.

Ultimately, the goal of completing mock exams is to assess your readiness and build confidence for the actual CFA Level 1 exam. You should use mocks strategically as part of your overall study plan and adapt the number of mocks based on your progress and study needs. Quality preparation, understanding the curriculum, and targeted review are essential elements of CFA Level 1 exam success.

Question:4 Is CFA mock exam free?


CFA mock exams were typically not offered for free by the CFA Institute, the organization that administers the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exams. The CFA Institute typically charges a fee for its official mock exams and practice questions. These mock exams are created by the same organization that designs the actual CFA exams, and they closely mimic the format and content of the real exams.

While official CFA Institute mock exams are not free, there may be some free resources available for CFA Level 1 candidates, such as sample questions and practice questions, directly from the CFA Institute’s website. However, these resources may not provide full-length mock exams.

Additionally, some third-party CFA exam preparation providers may offer free trial versions of their study materials, including limited access to mock exams. These trials can be a way to access some mock exam content at no cost.


The CFA Level 1 exam is the initial step towards earning the prestigious CFA charter, and it emphasizes foundational knowledge in investment management and financial analysis. Candidates often rely on mock exams as a crucial component of their preparation. These mock exams simulate the actual test experience, helping candidates assess their understanding and readiness. To succeed in the CFA Level 1 exam, a comprehensive study plan, including mock exams, is essential.


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