Mother’s day class 11 Book Snapshots , summary

Mother’s day class 11 Summary

Introduction” It is a Famous play written by J.B (John Boynton ) Priestly Focusing on the idea that mother is the most neglected member in a Family she scares for everyone but nobody cares for her,

Description” The neglected mother in the play is Mrs, Pearson she is a weak and submissive lady she is not being respected by any of her family member, she wants to protest but she lacks Courage to do so, One day her neigbhour cum friend Mrs, Fitzgerald visits her and comes to know about her Condition she knows Magic Although Mrs Pearson Hesitates yet Mrs Fitzgerald Exchanges her soul with the Former by some Magic spells she Decides to reform Pearson’s Family Members one by one First of all Doris the Daughter of Mrs Pearson return from her office she is beautiful but spoilt, she is shocked when she finds her mother smoking and Drinking she asks her if she has ironed her dress but her mother (actually Mrs, Fitzgerald ) tell her to do her work on her own she also Remarks her friend Charlie half ,mad the girl starts crying on seeing such a behaviour of her mother In the Mean time Mrs, Pearson’s son Cyril comes he gets angry to find that his Mother has not Prepared tea, he is also surprised to hear the words spoken by his mother that he works for fixed hours but there are no such fixed hours for his mother, George the husband of Mrs, Pearson also Receives the similar treatment when he rubukes his wife he is rubuked in exchange she makes fun of her husband by saying that his Friends call him pompy -Ompy-pearson they all want to Protest against her behaviour but they are Rubuked seriously just then Mrs, Fitzgerald (actally Mrs, Pearson ) arrives, George does not want any neighbour to be present in the house when there is Tension in the Family on this, he is being Rubuked and warned to be slapped by Mrs, pearson the actaul Mrs, Pearson feels sad to find that her Family is being treated badly she Requests Mrs Fizgerald to break the Magical spell both of them come back into their real Bodies, In this way the spoilt Family members of Mrs, Pearson are reformed they learnt the lesson of respecting her feelings,

Conclusion” It can be Concluded from this play that a mother should not be taken for Granted she is the backbone of a Family she must be respected by all ,


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