Silk Road class 11 chapter 8 English Hornbill summary

Silk Road class 11 chapter 8 English Hornbill summary

Silk Road class 11 summary

The narrator was leaving Ravu and heading towards Mount Kailash to complete the Kora. it was in the early hours of the morning that they were set to leave. Lhamo gave the narrator a long-sleeved sheepskin coat, which all the men wore. as a farewell present. Tsetan assessed him as they go into his car. they took a shortcut to get off the changing. Tsetan knew a route that walks take them south-west, almost directly towards Mount Kailash. it involved crossing several fairly high mountain passes, he said Going that way would not be a problem if there was no snow but that one could never know till one reached there.

From the gently rising and falling hills of Ravu, the shortcut took them across vast open plains, dry grazing land. with nothing in them except a few small antelopes. moving ahead they noticed that the plains became more stony than grassy. here they saw a herd of wild ass that were racing around and of which Tsetan had told them even before they appeared.

the drive again became steep. they crossed drokbas tending their flocks. thickly clad men and women stared at their car and at times waved at them while the sheep would turn away from the vehicle .they passed nomads’ dark tents pitched in the isolated places usually with a huge black dog, a Tibetan big. smooth-haired dog guarding them. these dogs would observe them from a distance and as they drew closer, they would rush towards them and chase them for about a hundred meters. these hairy dogs were pitch black and usually wore bright red collars and barked with enormous jaws. they were fearless of their vehicle and would run straight onto their way. Tsetan had to brake and turn sharply to avoid them. it was because of their ferocity that these Tibetan mastiffs were brought from Tibet to China’s imperial courts as hunting dogs.

as they entered a valley they could see snow.-capped mountains and the wide river but mostly blacked with ice that was sparkling in the sunshine. As they moved ahead, on their upward track. the turns became sharper and the ride bumpier. the rocks around were covered with patches of bright orange lichen. under the rocks seemed unending shade. the narrator felt the pressure building up in his ears so he held his nose, snorted, and cleared them. just then Tsetan stopped and the three of them-Tsetan, Daniel and the narrator walked out of the car.

It continued to snow. the snow that had collected was too steep for their vehicle to scale. so there was no way of going around the snow patch. the narrator looked at his wristwatch and realized that they were at 5, 210 metres above sea level.

the snow didn’t look too deep. but the danger was that if the car slipped it could turn over. Tsetan grabbed handfuls of soil and threw them across the frozen surface of the ice. Daniel and the narrator stayed out of the vehicle to lessen Tsetan’s load. he backed and drove towards the dirty snow. and with no difficulty, the car moved on. but after ten minutes of driving, there was another and this time he decided to drive around the snow. it was a steep slope scattered with big rocks, but Tsetan got past them. the narrator checked his watch again. they were 5,400 meters above sea level and his head began to ache terribly. he gulped a little water for relief.

when they reached the top of the pass at 5,515 meters. they noticed large rocks decorated with white silk scarves and ragged prayer flags. all of them took a clockwise round them as is the tradition and Tsetan checked the tires on his vehicle. he stopped at the petrol tank. lower atmospheric pressure was allowing the fuel to expand.

conclusion of summary

To sum up the silk Road summary, we learn about the author’s journey through the silk road and the determination of pilgrims and the hardships they face.

English Hornbill class 11 summary
  1. Chapter 1: The portrait of a lady class 11 summary
  2. Chapter 2: we’re not afraid to die if we can all be together class 11 summary
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  4. Chapter 4: landscape of the soul class 11 summary
  5. Chapter 5: The Ailing planet: the green movement’s Role class 11 summary
  6. Chapter 6: The browning version class 11 summary

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