Going Places class 12 Chapter 8 MCQ Question and Answer

Going Places class 12 chapter 8 English Moments MCQ Question and Answer

going places MCQ NCERT Solution for class 12 English Moments chapter 8

going places class 12 MCQ

Question:1 who is A.R Barton ?

  1. A Modern writer
  2. Author of going places
  3. lives in Zurich and writers in English
  4. All of these

Question:2 what theme does Barton explore in this story ?

  1. Theme of children’s happiness
  2. theme of adolescent fantasising and hero worship
  3. Theme of elderly people hapiness
  4. theme of Individual happiness

Question:3 what is the meaning of the word ‘chuffed” ?

  1. Delighted or very pleased
  2. Not happy
  3. Frustrated
  4. None of the above

Question:4 what is the meaning of the word’ Nosey” Gawky “?

  1. Nosey” meaning curious ‘Gawkey” meaning awkward, ungainly
  2. Noisy and beautiful
  3. Noisy and useful
  4. Noisy and gainful

Question:5 The story” Going places” revolve around whom “?

  1. A fat boy
  2. An old couple
  3. A teenage girl Sophie, her family and friends
  4. None of the above

Question:6 what kind of gilr is sophie ?

  1. A happy girl
  2. A realistic
  3. Day dreamer
  4. A nughty child

Question:7 what is sophie in reality ?

  1. A dreamer
  2. A fighter
  3. A worker at biscuit factory
  4. None of the above

Question:8 what does sophie dream about ?

  1. Becoming an actor
  2. becoming a manager
  3. A sophisticated person
  4. becoming rich and sophisticated

Question:9 what is the turning point in the story ?

  1. when she fights with her brother
  2. when her father gets angry
  3. when her brother reveals he story
  4. when she thinks of meeting danny casey-a famous football players

Question:10 what story she make up in front of her brother ?

  1. she will become an actress
  2. she will become a manager
  3. she will be a famous beautician
  4. casey will come to meet her

Question:11 who are sophie and jansie ?

  1. Teenagers who are friends and classmates
  2. Neighbours
  3. Collegues
  4. Actors

Question:12 Explain words had to be pizzed out of him like stones out of a ground.

  1. it was difficult to speak to him
  2. it was difficult to locate him in shop
  3. it was difficult to locate him in factory
  4. it was difficult to get information out of him

Question:13 where is sophie lost ?

  1. In her imagination dream of owning a boutique shop to become a famous fashion designer
  2. In her imagination
  3. In her dreams
  4. In her words

Question:14 why does jansie discourage sophie to dream big ?

  1. Because it requires a lot of money
  2. becasue it is not unrealistic
  3. because it is practical
  4. All of these

Question:15 why doe she want to be an actress ?

  1. To earn money
  2. To be famous
  3. To be a fashion designer
  4. To earn a lot of money and open a boutique to be famous fashion designer.

Question: 16 she thinks money grows on trees, don’t she dad ?said little derek, hanging on the back of his father’s chair. their mother sighed. sophie watched her back stopped over the sink and wondered at the incongruity of the delicate bow which fastened her apron strings. the delicate seeming bow and the crooked back the evening had already blacked in the windows and the small room was steamy from the stove and cluttered with the heavy-breathing man in his vest at the table and the dirty washing piled up in the corner. sohpie felt a tightening in her throat. she went to look for her brother geoff.

Choose the correct option about sophie’s parents based on the extrat given above.

  1. sophie’s parents marriage was an example of harmony and affection.
  2. sophie’s relationship with her parents was warm and friendly.
  3. sohpie’s mother was subdued while her father was dectached.
  4. sophie and her brother didn’t like to stay with their parents.
  5. c

Question:17she thinks money grows on trees, don’t she dad ?said little derek, hanging on the back of his father’s chair. their mother sighed. sophie watched her back stopped over the sink and wondered at the incongruity of the delicate bow which fastened her apron strings. the delicate seeming bow and the crooked back the evening had already blacked in the windows and the small room was steamy from the stove and cluttered with the heavy-breathing man in his vest at the table and the dirty washing piled up in the corner. sohpie felt a tightening in her throat. she went to look for her brother geoff.

Choose the option that supports the contention coming through derek’s dialogue she thinks money grows on trees, don’t she dad?

  1. Derek thought his sister to be unreasonable at times.
  2. Derek had no faith in sohpie’s abilities to open a bountique.
  3. Derek thought of his sister as someone who was not realistic.
  4. Derek was not at all happy about sophie habit of day dreaming.
  5. c

Question:18 why does sophie feel choked in the house ?

  1. Because of stove’s steam and dirtydishes
  2. Because of foul smell
  3. Because of smoke
  4. because of no air

Question:19 who is sophie’s elder brother ?

  1. Geoff-a trainee mechanic
  2. Jansie
  3. Danny Casey
  4. None of the above

Question:20 Explain on saturday they made their weekly pilgrimage to the united.

  1. Repairing stove
  2. Repairing a car
  3. Repairing a cooler
  4. went to the united dutifully with a lot of devotion

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