NCERT Solution for class 11 chapter 2 Theory base of Accounting

Accountancy class 11 Chapter 2 Theory base of Accounting

Introduction of theory base of Accounting

Chapter 2 of Class 11 Accountancy introduces students to the fundamental principles and concepts that serve as the bedrock of accounting. These principles and concepts provide the framework for accurate and consistent financial reporting. Students will learn about the importance of adhering to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), selecting appropriate accounting policies, and maintaining consistency in their application. The chapter also covers the objectives of accounting, the qualitative characteristics of accounting information, and constraints that influence accounting practices. Overall, it establishes a strong foundation for understanding the theory base of accounting

Introduction to Accounting Principles

This section provides an overview of the basic principles and concepts that guide accounting practices. These principles include the Business Entity Concept, Money Measurement Concept, Going Concern Concept, Accounting Period Concept, and more

Accounting Standards

Students learn about the importance of accounting standards in maintaining uniformity and consistency in financial reporting. The chapter may discuss the role of various organizations in setting accounting standards

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

This section covers the concept of GAAP and its significance in the accounting field. It explains how adherence to GAAP ensures the reliability and comparability of financial statements

Accounting Policies

Students will understand the need for selecting appropriate accounting policies and how these policies impact financial reporting. The chapter may provide examples of different accounting policies used in practice.

Accounting as a Measurement Discipline

This part of the chapter explains how accounting is primarily a measurement discipline that quantifies economic events and transactions. It delves into the role of accounting in providing useful financial information

Consistency in Accounting Policies

The concept of consistency in applying accounting policies is discussed, highlighting the importance of maintaining consistency over time to enable meaningful comparisons.

Objectives of Accounting

This section outlines the main objectives of accounting, which include providing financial information to various stakeholders, assisting in decision-making, and ensuring accountability.

Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information

Students learn about the qualitative characteristics that make accounting information useful and reliable. These characteristics include relevance, reliability, comparability, and more.

Constraints in Accounting

The chapter may discuss constraints like materiality and conservatism that affect accounting practices.

Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

Students are introduced to the differences between accounting policies and accounting estimates. They will understand how estimates are used when exact measurements are not feasible.

Theory base of accounting class 11 chapter 2 Important tips
  1. Start with the Basics: Begin by thoroughly understanding the basic accounting principles introduced in the chapter, such as the Business Entity Concept, Money Measurement Concept, Going Concern Concept, and more. These form the core of accounting theory.
  2. Familiarize Yourself with GAAP: Gain a clear understanding of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and why they are essential in accounting. GAAP ensures uniformity and consistency in financial reporting.
  3. Focus on Objectives: Pay attention to the objectives of accounting. Understand why accounting exists and its role in providing financial information to stakeholders, aiding decision-making, and ensuring accountability.
  4. Qualitative Characteristics: Learn the qualitative characteristics of accounting information, such as relevance, reliability, comparability, and consistency. These characteristics are vital in assessing the usefulness of financial data.
  5. Accounting Policies and Estimates: Differentiate between accounting policies and accounting estimates. Understand that accounting policies are chosen methods, while estimates are necessary when precise measurements aren’t feasible.
  6. Consistency in Accounting Policies: Recognize the significance of consistency in applying accounting policies over time. It ensures that financial statements remain comparable from one period to the next.
Theory base of Accounting class 11 chapter 2 Important Question and Answer

Question:1 What is the Going Concern Concept in accounting?

Answer: The Going Concern Concept assumes that a business will continue to operate indefinitely. This concept influences financial reporting by implying that assets are valued at their historical cost, as if the business will remain operational and use those assets in the future.

Question:2 What is the significance of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)?

  1. Answer: GAAP ensures that financial reporting is consistent, reliable, and comparable across different entities. It provides a set of standardized rules and principles that guide accounting practices, making it easier for stakeholders to interpret financial information.

Question:3 Explain the concept of Consistency in accounting policies.

  1. Answer: Consistency means that a company should use the same accounting policies and methods from one accounting period to another. It ensures that financial statements remain comparable, allowing for meaningful analysis of financial data.

Question:4 How do accounting policies differ from accounting estimates?

  1. Answer: Accounting policies are the specific methods and principles used by a company to prepare its financial statements. Accounting estimates, on the other hand, involve making judgments and assumptions about uncertain future events when exact measurements are not possible.

Question:5 What are the Qualitative Characteristics of accounting information?

  1. Answer: The qualitative characteristics of accounting information include relevance, reliability, comparability, and consistency. These characteristics are important in assessing the usefulness and credibility of financial data.

Question:6 Why is the Business Entity Concept significant in accounting?

  1. Answer: The Business Entity Concept ensures that the financial affairs of a business are distinct from the personal affairs of its owners. This concept is essential for accurate financial reporting and determining the financial position of the business.

Question:7 Describe the Money Measurement Concept.

  1. Answer: The Money Measurement Concept implies that accounting records only transactions that can be expressed in monetary terms. It excludes non-monetary events, even if they are essential to understanding a company’s operations.

Question:8 What is the purpose of accounting standards in financial reporting?

  1. Answer: Accounting standards are established to promote uniformity and consistency in financial reporting. They provide a set of guidelines and rules that entities should follow when preparing their financial statements.

Question:9 How does the concept of Prudence or Conservatism influence accounting?

  1. Answer: The concept of Prudence suggests that when there is uncertainty, accountants should choose methods that are more conservative or cautious. This ensures that financial statements do not overstate the financial position of a company.

Question:10 What are the constraints in accounting?

  1. Answer: The two main constraints in accounting are materiality and conservatism. Materiality states that only significant items should be included in financial statements, while conservatism implies that when faced with uncertainty, accountants should err on the side of caution.


In conclusion, Chapter 2, “Theory Base of Accounting,” in Class 11 Accountancy lays the foundation for understanding the fundamental principles and concepts that underpin accounting practices. It introduces students to key ideas such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), qualitative characteristics of accounting information, and the importance of consistency in accounting policies. These concepts are essential for accurate and reliable financial reporting and serve as the basis for more advanced accounting studies.


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