Resume Introduction: and all the Information

Crafting a winning resume: your path to job success

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Resume Intoduction

A resume is a concise document that showcases your qualifications, skills, and professional experience. It is a crucial tool for job applications, helping employers understand your suitability for a specific role. A well-crafted resume can open doors to exciting career opportunities.

How to start and where to end a resume ?
  1. Contact Information:
    • Include your full name, phone number, email address, and location (city, state) at the top of the resume.
  2. Objective or Summary (Optional):
    • A brief statement summarizing your career goals, skills, and what you can offer to the employer.
  3. Education
    • List your educational achievements, starting with the most recent degree.
    • Include the institution’s name, location, degree earned, major, graduation date, and GPA (if notable).
  4. Work Experience
    • List your work history in reverse chronological order (most recent job first).
    • For each position, include the job title, company name, location, employment dates, and key responsibilities and achievements
  5. Skills
    • Highlight relevant skills, such as technical skills, languages, or certifications.
    • Use bullet points for clarity
  6. Achievements or Awards (Optional)
    • Include any significant accomplishments or recognition relevant to the position you’re applying for
  7. Extracurricular Activities (Optional)
    • Mention involvement in clubs, organizations, volunteer work, or any other activities that showcase your abilities and character
  8. Certifications (Optional)
    • List any professional certifications or licenses you hold
  9. References (Optional)
    • Include a statement like “References available upon request.” Don’t list references on the resume; provide them when requested
whenever you make a resume, take special care of these things
  1. Use a clean and professional font, like Arial or Calibri.
  2. Keep your resume concise, ideally one page for entry-level positions and up to two pages for more experienced roles.
  3. Use bullet points for easy readability.
  4. Be consistent with formatting, such as font size and style.
  5. Proofread carefully to eliminate typos and grammatical errors
Resume format
Name :
Phone No.
summary :
Education/ Certifications :
Certification/ Degree: Board/universityGrade%year of passing
Experience/volunteer work :
soft skills/technical skills/strengths:
Extra curricular/other activities:
how to create resume for fresher
Resume solved Example
Address D-886 First Floor Rajouri garden New Delhi 110055
Phone No. 895522222
summary I brief i aspire to run a self Independent business that enables me to constantly learn and comet with new people
Education/ certificate
Certificate/Degree Board/universityGrade%year of passing Delhi university B+75% 2022
12th passed CBSE Board C+61% 2018
10th passed CBSE Board C+65% 2016
Experience/volunteer work I have a two year of work experience in Amazon company I have good knowledge of Excel I have 3 year of coding expereince and with the help of coding i can create an app.
Soft skills/technical skills/ strengths Good communication skill Teamwork management skill problem solving skill
Extra curricular/other activities Doing gym Learning English in Institute Travelling

how to create resume for fresher

Note: Friends, the resume is made according to a condition, if you have to send your resume to any company then you will customize your resume according to the company and if you have to send the same resume for your wedding, if you custimize the original at someone’s home the resume may be different in different conditions

Simple steps to Customizing your Resume

Consider how many applicants each job gets. how does your resume stand out from the crowd? here’s 4 simple steps

  1. Don’t lie : Let’s establish this right off the bat. customizing a resume for a job ins’t the same as” embelishing” your credentials. if the job posting says they’re looking for a person with expert level skills in microsoft photoshop and you don’t use that program, don’t add it to your resume. more often than not, Iying or embelishing your resume leads to siaster.
  2. Optimize for keywords: many companies use applicant tracking system(ATS) to scan resume for keywords. this system is a way for companies to weed through the large quantity of applicants by triggering certain keywords or traits they’re looking for in their next hire.
    • how do you avoid being weeded out when you’re great fit for the job? easy. look closely at the job posting that intrigued you, notice the verbiage they use, then review your resume to see where you can insert these keywords into your job history.
  3. update that objective statement : swap the objective statement with a professional summary that highlights what you can bright to the job. it’s smart to customize this part of each job because in some cases. in may not bother with the rest of your resume.
    • Again. you don’t want to lie and say you’re looking for a career that will allow you to travel the world if you really would prefer to stay close to home. think about what it was in their job posting that intigued you the most.
  4. Go beyond the job description: Once you’re captured the job description and the verbiage they like to use, head to the company website to get a feel for the company as a whole. are there certain types of projects they focus on more than others? do they heavily support any charities or local community events? look for reason why you might be a good fit with this company beyond the job description and work it into your resume, if possible volunteering and hobbies create valuable experiences.
    • why go through all of this work when you already have a resume? by finding three or four jobs that you really want and customizing your resume for each one, you maximize your chances of landing at least an interview. that’s worth a little extra effort.
How to create Internship resume tips
  1. Tailor your resume to the specific internship you’re applying for.
  2. Highlight relevant coursework, skills, and experiences that demonstrate your qualifications.
  3. Use action verbs and quantifiable results to describe your achievements.
  4. Keep your resume concise, ideally one page.
  5. Proofread carefully for grammar and spelling errors.
  6. Include a professional email address and a LinkedIn profile if available


In conclusion, a well-crafted resume is a powerful tool that can open doors to exciting opportunities. It should effectively showcase your skills, experiences, and qualifications, aligning them with the specific job you’re applying for. Keep it concise, well-organized, and error-free to make a strong and lasting impression on potential employers.


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