Note making class 11 [CBSE] format Examples Question and Answer

Note making class 11 Note-making is the process of summarizing and condensing information from various sources into concise, organized, and easily understandable notes for future reference or study

Note making class 11
Note making class 11 what is note making?

Mean presenting big chunks of knowledge in a neat and brief form the characteristics of good notes are:

  1. they are brief
  2. only relevant facts are given
  3. only words or phrases are used full sentences are often not necessary , in other words the language used in making or taking notes may not be grammatically very correct.
  4. information is presented in a tabular it is divided and sub–divided . the divisions may be.
  • main section: 1,2,3,ect
  • sub section: A ,b,c,. etc

5.abbreviations and symbols are used instead of complete words

  • common abbreviations are given in dictionaries , in addition , one can use one’s own set of abbreviation and symbols. for examples , parliament may be reduced to par” or p” but care should be taken that one abbreviation does not stand for more than one word.
This questions consists of an unseen passages and a student needs
  1. to give the passages a suitable title
  2. to make notes on the passages, using abbreviations (minimum 4) wherever necessary
  3. to write a summary of the passages, i:e to develop the notes into a paragraph.
Note making class 11 marking scheme

Title-1 mark

Note making-3 mark

abbreviations – 1 mark

summary–3 marks

Total–08 marks

Note making class 11 Note making format
  1. 1. Heading/Title:
    • Write a clear and descriptive title or heading at the top of the page. This should briefly convey the main topic or subject of your notes.
  2. Date and Source
    • Below the heading, write down the date you’re making the notes, and mention the source of the information if applicable (e.g., textbook, lecture, website, book title, etc.).
  3. Main Points and Subpoints
    • Use bullet points or numbering to list the main points or key ideas related to the topic. Each main point should be concise and to the point.
      • Main Point 1:
      • Subpoint 1.1: (if applicable)
      • Subpoint 1.2: (if applicable)
      • Main Point 2:
      • Subpoint 2.1: (if applicable)
      • Subpoint 2.2: (if applicable)
  4. Abbreviations and Symbols
    • Use abbreviations and symbols to save time and space. For example, “w/” for “with,” “e.g.” for “for example,” or arrows (→) to indicate causation or sequence.
  5. Highlighting and Emphasis
    • Use underlining, bold text, or color-coding to emphasize important information or key terms. This makes it easier to review your notes later.
  6. Questions and Comments
    • Add questions or comments to your notes if something is unclear or if you want to explore a topic further. These can serve as prompts for later study
  7. Summaries and Conclusions
    • At the end of your notes or for each major section, include a brief summary or conclusion that captures the key takeaways from that section
  8. Page Numbers
    • Number your pages if you’re taking notes in a notebook or binder. This helps maintain order if your notes become disorganized
  9. Review and Revision
    • Periodically review and revise your notes to ensure they remain accurate and comprehensive. This is especially important before exams or when preparing for presentations.
Note making class 11 Importance of note making
  1. Enhances Learning
    • Taking notes actively engages your mind during lectures, discussions, or while reading. This process of engagement enhances your understanding of the material.
  2. Organizes Information
    • Notes serve as an organized repository of information. They help you structure and categorize knowledge, making it easier to find and reference later
  3. Facilitates Revision
    • Well-organized notes are invaluable for exam preparation and revision. They provide a condensed and structured review of the material
  4. Active Listening/Reading
    • To take effective notes, you must actively listen or read. This active engagement ensures that you pay attention to key points.
  5. Problem Solving
    • Notes can help you analyze problems, brainstorm solutions, and keep track of progress in various projects or tasks
Finding Title
  1. the title should be short , precise and relevant
  2. never pick a long sentence as a title
  3. the title should reveal the spirit and strength of the passage
  4. begin title with capital letter, it can be a single word or phrase,
Making notes:
  1. notes should be short, precise and to the point (no full length sentences)
  2. they should be relevant with important information in logical order.
  3. find suitable headings and sub-headings, (the title should not be repeated)
  4. Avoid using examples, articles or prepositions.
Steps to make notes

step1– Read passages thoroughly

step2-locate key words / phrases and sentences

step3-divide passages structurally / thematically for headings .(minimum 3 and maximum 4)

step4-provide required sub headings under each of the headings

step5-use abbreviations in notes (minimum 4 ) and provide key for the same at the end

Note making class 11

Example:1 Read the following passages carefully.

corruption , in one form or another, is a worldwide phenomenon , but everyone admits that corruption is something ugly, immoral and detestable unfortunately , in our country , corruption has become a part of life, it has entered the very roots of the indian society corruption , nepotism and dishonesty have tarnished every fabric of our social life, the law of a land is to weak to deal with the corrupt elements with an iron hand . the vested interests rule the roots, everybody feels helpless in such a state of affairs some people have even started talking of the nationalization of corrupt in the country . they argue that we should frankly admit that we are a corrupt nation and that we cannot do without it is a matter of shame and regret for all thee who care to heart the call of their conscience .

corruption is prevailing at all levels–economic , social , administrative moral and spiritual . during the past few years, the images of the country has been defaced beyond redemption . A large number of scams involving has politicians, administrators and VVIPs have come to right these scams, most of them unearthed by the central bureau of investigation , involve huge sums running into thousand of crores, they have shaken the entire conscience of the country to the bones . the law enforcing agencies are seeking the help of the judicial process to bring the culprits to book . the judicial system however is full of flaws and the culprits do not find it very difficult to cleverly escape the legal net.

people are beginnings to take corruption for granted . the root cause of corruption is red tape or delay persons found guilty should be punished severely, exemplary punishments should be given to corrupt officials , national character should be improved , smugglers, black marketeers and hoarders should be severely dealt with. social and spiritual organization can given a good healthy education to the public . persons of strong character should be employed . the government employees must be told to withstand any temptation while discharging their duties. such officials as lay down nobe standards of honesty and efficiency , should be encourage and honoured at public function . dishonest public servants should not only be dismissed, but should also be publicly flogged and put behind the bars, the. education system of the country should be re-oriented to inculcate a spirit of honesty amongst the people

All ministers and public servants should be made to declare their assets. the vigilance department should keep a constant eye on the corrupt officers and other public servants, ministes and senior officials must set noble examples of an honest living free corruption ,brivery , nepotism and immorality . the law of the land should be provided with more. teeth to deal with the corrupt elements. corruption at any level is red, bag the government should launch a vigorous campaign against this social evil, charity however , must begin at home.

(a) on the basis of your reading of the above passages make notes on it using, headings and sub-headings , use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary -minimum 4) and a format you consider suitable also supply an appropriate title to it,(5marks)

(b) write a summary of the passges in about 80 words. (3 marks)


Title –corruption


  • corruption & it’s impact on social life

1.1 nepo, & dishonesty

1.2 matter of shame & rearet

  • prev. of corruption at different levels

2.1 eco

2.2 social

2.3 admn

2.4 moral

2.5 spiritual

  • role of social & spiritual org.

3.1 healthy edu. to the public

3.2 emp. of strong characters persons

3.3 honesty & efficiency to be encouraged & honoured

  • suggestions;

4.1 all ministers and public servants to declare their assets

4.2 the vigilance department to be vigil on the corrupt officers and other public servants,

4.3 ministers and senior officials to set noble examples

4.4 the strict laws for the corrupt elements

4.5the govt. to launch a vigorous campaign against corruption

key to abbreviations and symbols


summary (abstraction) 80–100 words

corruption is an ugly, immoral and detestable practice , it has entered the very roots of the indian society and become a part of life, corruption nepotism and dishonesty have stained every fabric of our social , life the law of our nation is too weak to deal with the corrupt elements , corruption is prevalent at every level, social and spiritual organization can play an important role to remove corruption from the society by providing healthy education to the public and by encouraged and honoured . strict laws to be imposed by the government.


  1. the residents of bhirung raut ki gali, where ustad bismillah khan was born on march 21, 1916 , were in shock, his cousis, 94—year–old mohd idrish khan had tears in his shubhan khan, the caretaker of bismillah , land , recalled : whenever in dumaraon, he would rupees two to the boys and rupees five to the girls of the locality “
  2. he was always keen to play shehnai again in the local bihariji’s temple where he had started playing shehniai with his father, bachai khan, at the age of six , his original name was quamaruddin and become bismillah only after he become famous as a shehnai player in varansai
  3. his father bachai khan was the official shehnai player of keshav prasad singh, the maharaja of the erswhile’ dumaraon estate bismillah used to accompany him. for bismillah khan, the connection to music began at a very early age, by his teens, he had already become a master of the shenhai, on the day india gained freedom, bismillah khan, then a sprightly 31-years old had the rare honour of playing from the red fort but bismillah khan won’t just be remembered for elevating the shenhai from an instrument heard only in wedding and naubakhans to one that was appreciated to concert halls across the world, his life was a testimony to the plurality that is india a practising muslim he would take a daily dip in the ganga in his younger days after a about of kusti in benia baga akhada, every morning . bismillah khan would do riyaaz at the balaji temple on the banks of the river, even during his final hours in a varansai hospital , music didn’t desert bismillah khan A few hours before he passed away early on monday. the shehnai wizard hummed a thumri to show that he was feeling better. this was typical of a man for whom life revolved around music .
  4. throughout his life, he abided by the principle that all religions are one, what marked bismillah khan was his simplicity and disregard for the riches that come with musical fame , till the very end. he used a cycle rickshaw to travel around varanasi . but the pressure of providing for some 60 family members took its toll during his later years,

(a) on the basis of your reading of the above passages make notes, using heading and sub–headings use recognizable abbreviations where necessary

(b) make a summary of the above passage in not more than 80 words, using the notes made and also suggest a suitable title to it,


(a) notes on the contents of the passage

  1. shock at the demise:

(a) cousin–tears in eyes

(b) caretaker recalled —

(i) giving two rs, to boys

(ii) five rs, to girls

(2) his early life:

(a) org. name quamaruddin

(b) pld. shehnai at temp–with father

(c) Recognized as bismillah –at vns.

(3) music as fml. heritage;

(a) father —court off. shehnai player at dumaraon

(b) pld. shehnai from age six

(c) at31—pld, shehnai —Red fort, 1947

(4). daily routine in vns,:

(a) taking dip in the ganga

(b) Riyaaz at balaji temp

(c) before his last breath—hummed thumri

(d) used cycle rickshaw to travel

(e) breadwinner for 60 fml, mem

(5) bismillah beyond religions;

(a) main principle–all religions one

(b) life–testimony of plurality

(c) pract, muslim.

Abbreviations used

  1. rs.—rupees
  2. org.—original
  3. pld.—played
  4. temp—temple
  5. vns.–varanasi
  6. fml,–family
  7. off.–official
  8. mem.–members
  9. pract.—practising

(b) summary of the passages:-

ustad bismillah khan was born and brought up at dumaraon. he got interested in music at a very early stage of life, his father was an official musician at the estate of dumaraon, he started accompanying him for the musical concerts, ustad bismillah khan got the honour of playing the shehnai, at the Red fort on the occasion of india’s independence he believed that all religions are. one he, led a very simple life, music was his even when on his deathbed, he kept humming the thumri,

Question”3 1. How does television affect our lives? it can be very helpful to people who carefully choose the shows that they watch. television can increase our knowledge of the outside word. there are high -quality programes that help us understand many fields of study, science, medicine. the arts and so on moreover, television benefits very old people, who can’t often leave the house. as well as patients in hospitals. it also offers non-native speaks the advantage of daily informal language practice .they can increase their’ vocabulary and practice listening .

2. On the other hand. there are several serious disadvantage of television of course. it provides us with a pleasant way to relax and spend our free time. but in some countries. people watch the boob tube2 for an average of six hours. or more a day many children stare at a television screen for more hours each day than they do anything else. including studying and sleeping it’s clear that he tube has a powerful influence on their lives and that its influence is often negative .

3. Recent studies show that after only thirty second of television viewing. a person’s brain’ relaxes’ the same way that it does just before the person falls asleep. another effect of television on the human brain is that it seems to cause poor concentration. children who view a lot of television can often concentrate on a subject for only fifteen to twenty minutes. they can pay attention only for the amount of time between commercials.

4. Another disadvantage is that television often causes people to become dissatisfied with their own lives. real life does not seem as exciting to these people as the lives of actors on the screen. to many people. television becomes more real than reality and their own lives seem boring. also many people get upset or depressed then they can’t solve problems in real life as quickly as television actors seem to.

5. before a child is fourteen years old. he or she views eleven thousands murders on the tube. he or she begins to believe that there is nothing strange about fights. killing and other kinds of violence. many studies show that people become more violent after certain programmes. they may even do the things that they saw in a violent show.

6. The most negative effect of the boob tube might be people’s addiction to it. people often feel a strange and powerful need to watch television even when they don’t enjoy it. addiction to a television screen is similar to drug or alcohol addiction. people almost never believe they are addicted. (2003)

(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it. in points using recognizable abbreviation (minimum 4) wherever necessary. supply a suitable title to it.

(b) make a summary of the above passage in about 80 words.



  1. How tv. affects our lives

1.1 Inc. our knowledge

1.2 understand many fields of study

1.3 helpful old people & patients in hos.

1.4 Inc. voc. & pra. listen’s

2. Disadvantage of tv.

2.1 children addiction more than 6 hrs.

2.2 cause poor concentration

2.3 people get upset or dep.

2.4 -ve influence

3. Nothing strange about fights

3.1 people become violent

3.2 people addictn to it

3.3 similar to drug alc. addictn

Title: How tv affects our lives


Advantage and Disadvantage of television


  1. tv.-television
  2. & – and
  3. hrs- hours
  4. Inc.-Increase
  5. addictn-addiction
  6. alc- alcohol


Television deeply affects our lives .it has both positive and negative effects it helps in increasing knowledge of the outside world. it also helps in the study of science medicine, arts etc. it helps old people and patients also. but television has some serious disadvantages also people become addicted to it. many become dissatified with their life what they see on the television children lose their powers of concentrate .they start doing what they see on the screen and become more violent.

Question:4 Title/Topic: Benefits of Regular Exercise



  1. Physical health
    • Improved cardiovascular fitness
    • Weight management
  2. Mental health
    • Stress reduction
    • Enhanced mood and sleep
  3. Long-term benefits
    • Reduced risk of chronic diseases
    • Increased lifespan

Question:5 Title/Topic: Strategies for Effective Time Management



  1. Prioritization
    • Identify important tasks
    • Use the Eisenhower Matrix
  2. Planning
    • Create daily/weekly schedules
    • Set SMART goals
  3. Minimize distractions
    • Turn off notifications
    • Allocate specific time for email/social media
  4. Delegation
    • Assign tasks to team members
    • Focus on high-value activities

Question:6 Title/Topic: Characteristics of a Chemical Reaction


  • Formation of new substances
  • Change in energy (heat or light)
  • Irreversible process
  • Change in color or odor
  • Evolution of gas


  • Formation of new substances: Chemical reactions involve the creation of entirely new substances with unique properties.
  • Change in energy (heat or light): Most chemical reactions either absorb or release energy in the form of heat or light.
  • Irreversible process: Once a chemical reaction occurs, it is typically irreversible, meaning it cannot be easily undone.
  • Change in color or odor: Some reactions result in changes in color or the production of distinct odors.
  • Evolution of gas: Certain reactions lead to the formation and release of gases.


These notes highlight the key characteristics of a chemical reaction, including the formation of new substances, energy changes, irreversibility, changes in color or odor, and the evolution of gases. Understanding these characteristics is fundamental to the study of chemistry.


Note-making is a valuable skill that involves summarizing and organizing information effectively for better retention, comprehension, and future reference. It serves as a powerful tool for learning, revision, and staying organized in various aspects of life, including education, work, and personal development.


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