poster writing CBSE class 12 format, examples and important topics

poster writing class 12 CBSE format example solutions

Poster writing class 12

what is a poster?

posters is are a medium of presenting information in a visually attractive and appealing manner. A poster is used to spread awareness regarding social, issue an event or a product,

Distribution of Marks

  • Format —1 mark
  • Content–1 mark
  • Expression

Lay out.

  • a heading.
  • eye catching and visually attractive
  • a catchy slogan,.
  • simple drawings / sketches .
  • letters of different sizes and shapes big font size. (to be able to read from distance )
  • proportionate spacing
  • word limit 50


  • highlight main topics / message / name of the event
  • include all the important details like time, venue date , time and purpose.
  • include organiser’s name, entry ticket and any other information in case of event .
  • include suggestions / do’s and don’ts
  • for awareness of a social problem -include heading , the problem its causes / effects, solution card any other information.
  • name of the issuing authority , organisers etc,


  • appropriate and accurate language
  • creativity
  • presentation and special justification.

Common Topics for posters,

  1. clean city campaign / green delhi, clean delhi
  2. world Environment day / save Environment / earth day,
  3. book fair / exhibition / career mela etc,
  4. save water / water harvesting
  5. prevention against malaria / dengue
  6. prevention for Terrorist Attacks / be an alert citizen
  7. awareness / precaution during disaster / natural calamity
  8. say no to crackers / polybags / plastics bags
  9. Road safety / car -pooling / Air pollution etc,
  10. save girl child .

Example:1 the international book fair is going to be held at pragati maidan, Delhi ; draft a poster informing general public about it,


International book fair

Example:2 Draft a poster on water conservation issued by Delhi jal board to create awareness about means of saving water,


save water

Example:3 draft a poster on behalf of Delhi police against terrorism .


fight terror

Questions for practice;

  1. design and draft a poster for book week to be held in your school. from 14th october to 16th 2018. make the poster attractive, by using catchy slogans
  2. vibhu eye clinic is holding a free eye check up camp. design and draft a poster informing people about the camp and raising awareness about proper and timely eye and eye donation,
  3. you are yogacharya Roshan, planning to open yoga club in your city, design a poster highlighting the importance of yoga along with providing the necessary information about the club.
  4. your school is organising a three–month long literacy drive design and draft a poster to be displayed in your school urging students to volunteer for this noble causes,
  5. national eye donation fortnight 2018 will be celebrated from friday (25th August) to Friday 28th september). draft a poster to put forth the significant message to the people for being the special part of eye donation or eye pledging for giving normal life to the common public,


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