NCERT Biology” Circulatory System Important MCQs’ Question and answers

NCERT Biology” Circulatory System Important MCQs’ Question and answers

Question”1 In humans there is a ———— to transport substances-

  1. Digestive system
  2. respiratory system
  3. circulatory system
  4. excretory system

Question”2 which of the following is not a function of circulatory system?

  1. transportation of nutrients
  2. transportation of respiratory gases
  3. transportation of nitrogenous waste
  4. break down of complex foods

Question”3 which type of circulation does not found in humans?

  1. closed circulation
  2. Lymph circulation
  3. open circulation
  4. blood circulation

Question”4 who discovered blood circulatory system in humans?

  1. Robert hook
  2. willium harvey
  3. Landsteiner

Question”5 what is the main circulatory substance in blood circulatory system ?

  1. Lymph
  2. water
  3. blood
  4. heart

Question”6 which of the following is/are part(s) of the circulatory system in humans ?

  1. blood
  2. blood vessels
  3. heart
  4. all of the above

Question”7 which of the following is NOT a type of blood vessel?

  1. blood plasma
  2. artery
  3. vein
  4. capillary

Question”8 which of the following is in descending order by thickness?

  1. vein, artery, capillary
  2. artery, capillary, vein
  3. vein, capillary, artery
  4. artery, vein , capillary

Question”9 which is helpful in exchanging nutrients, waste materials and gases between blood and cell?

  1. artery
  2. vein
  3. capillary
  4. none of these

Question”10 which of the following is NOT correct about artery?

  1. This takes blood away from heart
  2. this takes blood towards heart
  3. blood flows inside it with high pressure and speed
  4. it has no any valve

Question”11 which of the following is Not correct about vein?

  1. this takes blood towards ds heart
  2. blood flows inside it with low pressure and speed
  3. it has valve
  4. it is deeply situated in body

Question”12 which of the following connects artery and vein?

  1. Pulmonary vein
  2. Pulmonary artery
  3. Capillary
  4. none of these

Question”13 when amount of oxygen in blood is high then it is called

  1. Neutral blood
  2. pure blood
  3. impure blood
  4. buffer blood

Question”14 what does the colour of vein looks like in general?

  1. Red
  2. blue
  3. black
  4. yellow

Question”15 In ———- blood flows with high pressure-

  1. Capillary
  2. artery
  3. vein
  4. none of these

Question”16 ———- Shrivels on being empty –

  1. Only artery
  2. only vein
  3. artery and vein both
  4. capillary

Question”17 The amount of ——— in impure blood is relatively high?

  1. Nitrogen
  2. Oxygen
  3. carbon dioxide
  4. Carbon monoxide

Question”18 what is the main function of the valve in the vein?

  1. It speeds up the blood
  2. It purifies blood
  3. it filters the waste substance from blood
  4. It prevents the back flow of blood in opposite direction

Question”19 which of the following is incorrect related to blood?

  1. It is a liquid connective tissue
  2. it’s pH value is 7.4
  3. It Originates from mesodermal layer
  4. It is acidic in nature

Question”20 study of blood is called as-

  1. Phycology
  2. Cycology
  3. Haematology
  4. histology

Question”21 which of the following is /are components (s) of blood?

  1. Plasma
  2. red blood Corpuscle
  3. white blood Corpuscle
  4. Platelet
  1. Only A and B
  2. A,B And C
  3. A,C and D
  4. A,B,C and D

Question”22 what is the approximate amount of plasma in blood?

  1. 25%
  2. 35%
  3. 45%
  4. 55%

Question”23 what is the approximate percentage of water in blood plasma?

  1. 45-45%
  2. 50-55%
  3. 60-65%
  4. 90-92%

Question”24 what is the colour of blood plasma?

  1. Light blue colour
  2. light yellow colour
  3. light red colour
  4. light green colour

Question”25 Nature of plasma is ———

  1. acidic
  2. basic
  3. neutral
  4. Can’t be said

Question”26 blood plasma contains”

  1. water:90-92%
  2. Protein: 6-8%
  3. Inorganic ions: 1%
  4. all of the above

Question”27 Protein (s) mainly Found in plasma is/are –

  1. albumin
  2. Globulin
  3. Fibrinogen
  4. all of these

Question”28 ——— Protein is required in blood clotting or coagulation-

  1. albumin
  2. globulin
  3. fibrinogen
  4. none of these

Question”29 which of the following protein is used for used for osmotic balance?

  1. Prothrombin
  2. globulin
  3. albumin
  4. fibrinogen

Question”30 which is the protein present in plasma that prevents blood clot inside the body?

  1. Prothrombin
  2. Fibrinogen
  3. Heparin
  4. Globulin

Question”31 which is incorrect with reference to cholesterol” present in plasma?

  1. It produces in liver
  2. It provides strengthen to plasma membrane
  3. it is helpful in formation of steroid hormone
  4. it produces in pancreases

Question”32 what is the approximate amount of RBC in Blood?

  1. 55%
  2. 44%
  3. 92%
  4. 1%

Question”33 which is incorrect related to RBC?

  1. Its life span is about 120 days
  2. it is also called leucocyte
  3. it is also called erythrocyte
  4. it Produces in bone marrow

Question”34 which is called the “Graveyard of RBCs or blood bank” of humans body?

  1. liver
  2. kindly
  3. spleen
  4. heart

Question”35 where is the production of RBCs take place in embryonic stage?

  1. liver
  2. bone marrow
  3. spleen
  4. a and c both

Question 36 At high altitude, red blood corpuscle in the humans body will –

  1. Increase in size
  2. Decrease in number
  3. Increase in number
  4. Decrease in size

Question”37 In RBC ——- will take place –

  1. Only aerobic respiration
  2. Only anaerobic respiration
  3. Mitochondria
  4. Cuticle respiration

Question”38 Production of RBC is known as-

  1. Erythropoiesis
  2. Erythropoietin
  3. Erythropoietic organ
  4. None of these

Question”39 Increase in RBCs abnormally known as –

  1. Polycythaemia
  2. erythrocytopenia
  3. Erythropoiesis
  4. Leucopoiesis

Question”40 which of the following is may be erythropoetic organ(s)?

  1. Kidney
  2. liver
  3. bone marrow
  4. Both B and C

Question”41 ——— Is swallowed RBC after 120 days

  1. Phagocytes
  2. virus
  3. Bacterium
  4. fungus

Question”42 Nucleus is found in RBC of ———?

  1. Human
  2. Camel
  3. Cow
  4. Goat

Question”43 which of the following is a leucocyte?

  1. RBC
  2. WBC
  3. Plated
  4. None of these

Question”44 which is incorrect related to WBC?

  1. Its life span is 120 days
  2. Its life span is 3-4 days
  3. It has no any pigment
  4. It has a nucleus

Question”45 How many types of WBC

  1. three
  2. Four
  3. Five
  4. six

Question”46 How many types of white blood cells are there based on granules in cytoplasm?

  1. Two
  2. three
  3. four
  4. five

Question”47 which of the following is not a type of granular WBC?

  1. Eosinophils
  2. Basophils
  3. Neutrophils
  4. Lymphocytes

Question”48 ——– also called thrombocyte

  1. white blood cell
  2. Red blood cell
  3. Platelet
  4. Heart

Question”49 which of the following helps in blood clottings?

  1. RBC
  2. WBC
  3. Platelet
  4. glucoside

Question”50 ——– Increase immunity-

  1. plasma
  2. WBC
  3. RBC
  4. Platelet
Q.No AnswerQ.No Answer

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