We are Not Afraid to Die..if we can All be together Class 11 Question and Answer

We are Not Afraid to Die..if we can All be Together class 11 Chapter 2 English Hornbill

We are Not Afraid to Die.. If We Can All be Together class 11 Chapter 2 Question and Answer NCERT Solution for class 11 Question and Answer were prepared according to the latest question paper pattern Practicing these We are Not Afraid to Die..if we can All be Together Question and Answer for class 11 effective to improve your basics and learn all the key concepts

Question”1 I honing our seafaring skills

Answer” It refers to the efforts made by the narrator and his wife to perfect or sharpen their knowledge of navigation, handling of the boat and equipment, and other sea skills.

Question”2 Ominous silence

Answer” It refers to the silence just be before an impending danger. the peace and quiet suggest that something bad is going to happen.

Question”3 Mayday calls

Answer” They are radio-telephone calls that are given by aircraft or ships stuck in a disastrous situation. they are distress calls made to secure help from other ships nearly

Question”4 pinpricks in the vast ocean

Answer” This phrase refers to tiny islands in the vast ocean. they are so small that they appear like tiny pinheads on a map of the vast ocean.

Question”5 a tousled head

Answer” it refers to hair in disarray or the disarranged hair of the author’s son. his hair was all messed up and uncombed.

We are Not Afraid to Die..if we can All be Together class 11 Understanding the Text

Question”1 list the steps taken by the caption

  1. to protect the ship when rough weather began
  2. to check the flooding of the water in the ship


  1. In order to protect the ship rough weather. the caption decided to slow it down. so he dropped the storm jib and lashed heavy mooring rope in a loop across the stem. then they double fastened everything and went through their life-raft drill.
  2. Larry caption stretched canvas and secured waterproof hatch covers across the gaping holes. when the two and pumps blocked and the electric pump short-circuited. he found another electric pump, connected it to an out pipe and started it.

Question”2 Describe the mental condition of the voyages on 4th and 5th January

Answer” On January 4, the voyagers felt relived after 36 hours of continuous pumping out water. they had their first meal in almost two days. their respite was short-lived they faced dangerous situation on January 5. fear of death loomed large. they were under great mental stress.

Question”3 Describe the shifts in the narration of the events an indicated in the three section of the text. Give a subtitle to each section.

Answer” The first section describe a peaceful journey from plymouth (England) to 3500 km east of Cape town (Africa) the narrator is relaxed and full of confidence as the weather deteriorated. they faced gigantic waves. they took precautions to save themselves and struggle with the disaster. the narration becomes grim. but it exudes the fighting spirit. confidence and strong will power by the morning of January 6, wave walker rode out the storm and by evening they sighted he Amsterdam island. they narrator is now relaxed joy. relief and complete confidence are apparent . the subtitle to each section is -section 1-cheerful journey, section 2-facing the wave, section 3-searching the island.

We are Not Afraid to Die..if we can All be Together class 11 Taking About the Text
Discuss the following questions with your partner.

Question”1 what difference did you notice between the reaction of the adults and the children when faced with danger?

Answer” There is a lot of difference between the way in which the adults and the children reacted when faced with danger. the adults felt the stress of the circumstances but prepared themselves to face the danger. they look sufficient precaution to protect the ship when the rough weather began. they equipped everyone with lifelines, waterproof clothes, and life jackets. larry and herb worked cheerfully and optimistically for three days continuously to pump out water from the ship Mary replaced the narrator at the wheel when the deck was smashed and steered the ship. she also served them meal after two days of struggle against odds. the narrator performed his role as captain with courage, determination, resourcefulness and full responsibility. he undertook repair work and provided apparatus and direction needed to protect the ship. he also helped in steering the ship towards the island. the children suffered silently and patiently. sue did not want to bother her father with her troubles Jon. acted courageously he was not afraid to die if all of them perished together.

Question”2 How does the story suggest the optimism helps to’ endure the direst stress”?

Answer” The story suggest that optimism certainly helps to endure the direst stress. the behaviour of the four adults during crisis bears it out. Larry vigil and help herb Seigler were two crewmen. as the mighty waves smashed the deck, water entered the ship through many holes and opening .Right from the evening of January 2, Larry and herb started pumping out water.

they worked continuously, excitedly and feverishly for 36 hours. it was a result of their continuous pumping that they reached the last few centimetres of water on January 4, they remained cheerful and optimistic while facing extremely dangerous situations. the narrator did not lose his courage hope or presence of mind while facing problems, he did not worry about the loss of equipment. he used whatever was available there. his self confidence and practical knowledge helped them to steer out of storm and reach the lie Amsterdam island. Mary stayed at the wheel for all those crucial hours. she did not lose hope or courage either.

Question”3 what Lessons do we learn from such hazardous experiences when we are face to face with death?

Answer” Hazardous experiences may bring us face to face with death, but they impart us many important lessons of conduct. life is not always a bed of roses. we must react to dangers and risks with patience and fortitude. Adversity is the true test of character. the purity of gold is judged by putting it in fire. the hazardous experiences bring out the best in us. coward persons die many times before their death. fear is a negative feeling and leads to inactivity and object surrender to circumstances. such sailors or soldiers lose the battle against the odds in life.

On the other hand, person with self confidence courage resourcefulness and presence of mind face all the dangers boldly and overcome all disasters. their sharing and caring attitude inspires others also to face the adverse circumstances boldly and tide over them.

We are Not Afraid to Die..if we can All be Together class 11 Short Type Question and Answer

Question”1 what did the narrator plan to do? what preparations did he make for it?

Answer” The narrator planned to go on a round-the-world sea voyage on the same pattern as captain james cook had done 200 years earlier. for the past 16 years, he and his wife had spent all their leisure time developing and improving their skills with work -related to travel on the sea.

Question”2 Give a brief description of the narrator’s boat how had the narrator equipped and tested it?

Answer” The narrator’s boat was called Wave’-walker it was a beautiful 23 metre long 30 ton woodern-hulled ship. it bad been professionally built. they had spent months fitting it out and testing in the roughest weather they could find.

Question”3 How long did the narrator plan his voyage to last?

Answer” The narrator had planned his round the world journey to cover 105, 000 Kilometres in three years.

Question”4 when and with whom did the narrator begin his voyage?

Answer” The narrator began his sea voyage in july 1976. he had his wife Mary, six year old son Jonathan and seven year old daughter Suzanne with him they set sail from plymouth, England .

Question”5 whom did the narrator employ and why? when did he so so?

Answer” The narrator employed two crewmen-American Larry vigil and swiss herb seaigler in order to help them tackle the southern Indian ocean which is known as one of the roughest seas of the world. he engaged them before leaving cape town.

Question”6 what happened on their second day out of cape town? what worried the narrator and why?

Answer” On their second day out of cape town, they began to face strong storms. these storms blew continuously for the next. few weeks he was worried about the waves. their size was alarming this rose up to 15 metres i. e as high as their main mast.

Question”7 How did they celebrate the Christmas holidays?

Answer” They were 3,500 kilometres east of cape town on 25 december. the weather was very bad. still they had ha wonderful holiday-complete with a Christmas tree. new year’s day saw no improvement in weather

Question”8 How did the weather change on January 2? how did they feel?

Answer” The weather changed for worse on January 2. Now the waves were gigantic as the ship rose to the top of each wave, they saw endless enormous seas rolling towards them. the screaming of the wind and spray was painful to the ears.

Question”9 what efforts were made to face the rough weather?

Answer” In order to face the rough weather. the speed of the ship was slowed down. they dropped the storm jib. they lashed heavy mooring rope in a loop across the stem. then they fastened together everything and went through their life-raft drill. they attached lifelines, put on waterproof clothes and life-jackets.

Question”10 what sort of wave hit the ship? how did the narrator react?

Answer” It was a mighty and huge wave, it appeared perfectly vertical it was almost twice the height of the other waves. it had a very unpleasant breaking crest. the narrator had never seen such an enormous wave, so he was filled with horror.

Question”11 what preparations did the narrator and his wife make for their round-the-world sea voyage?

Answer” The narrator and his wife wanted to’ duplicate the round-the-world voyage made 200 years ago by captain james cook. they had been making formidable preparation for the last 16 years. first of all, they got a boat especially designed and professionally built for this purpose. they tested it for months in the roughest weather. they spent all their leisure time in strengthening their seafaring skills in british waters. they were both mentally and physically prepared yo undertake their exceptionally long and challenging sea voyage.

Question”12 Describe the boat wavewalker.

Answer” The narrator wanted to duplicate the round-the-world voyage made by captain james cook 200 years ago. In order to undertake this journey, they got a boat built professionally the boat named wavewalker, was a 23 meter, 30ton wooden-hulled sailboat. they had spent months fitting it out and testing it in the roughest weather they could find.

Question”13 why did they take on two crewmen with them at cape town?

Answer” Before heading East from cape town, they took seamen. they were larry vigil. an American and herb seigler, a swiss the narrator took this step because he knew that they would require help to tackle one of the world’s roughest seas-the southern Indian Ocean.

Question”14 what troubles did they face after completing the first leg of their journey?

Answer” The first leg of their journey passed pleasantly as they sailed down the west coast of Africa to cape town. but the trouble started when they left cape town.

One the second day out of cape town. they began to encounter strong gales. didn’t worry the narrator but the size of the waves was alarming they rose as high as the mainmast. the howling of the wind and the spray painful to the ears.

Question”15 How did the voyagers celebrate Christmas and where?

Answer” On Christmas day the voyage were 3500km East of cape town in the southern Indian Ocean. though the sea was rough, the enjoyed a wonderful holiday. they celebrated Christmas singing carols complete with a Christmas tree with them. they expected the weather to improve but it didn’t

We are Not Afraid to Die..if we can All be Together class 11 Extra Question and Answer

Question”1 Ho was the weather on the morning of 2nd january?

Answer” On new’ year’s day the weather saw no improvement and was bad. on 2nd January, it got even worse. the waves were gigantic. they were sailing with only a small storm jib but still were going pretty they could see the endless, enormous sea rolling towards them. the wind seemed to be howling.

Question”2 what attempts did the narrator make to protect himself and his family from the huge waves?

Answer” The waves were gigantic on 2nd january. In order to protect themselves, they decided to slow down the boat. they dropped the storm jib and lashed a heavy mooring rope in a loop across the stem. then they double-lashed everything, went through their life-raft drill, attached lifelines, donned oilskins and life jackets, and prepared themselves for the worst-case scenario.

Question”3 what were the first Indications of the’ Impending disaster’ that ultimately struck them on Januray 2?

Answer” The first Indication of the impending disaster came at about 6 pm on January 2. An ominous silence prevailed all around. the wind dropped the sky immediately grew dark. then came a growing roar. A huge vertical wave, almost twice the height of the other waves, came roaring towards the ship. these were the Indications of the coming disaster.

Question”4 what happened after the’ ominous silence?

Answer” The ominous silence was the first indication of an impending disaster. the wind dropped and the sky immediately grew dark. the narrator saw what he thought as an enormous cloud coming towards the ship. with horror, he realized that it was not a cloud but a wave like no other he had ever seen . it was almost twice the height of other waves.

The wave hit the boat and wrecked it completely. water gushed from all sides and the boat started filling with water.

Question”5 what was the result of the tremendous explosion?

Answer” The gigantic wave hit the boat and a tremendous explosion shook the deck. A torrent of green and white and water broke over the ship. the narrator’s head smashed against the wheel and he was flung overboard. he was almost dead and the whole ship was reduced to a wreck.

Others were also hurt in the process. then the frantic efforts to save the boat and everybody’s life began.

Question”6 How did the narrator accept hit’ approaching death’ and why was he still peaceful?

Answer” The narrator saw a torrent of green and white water breaking over the ship. his head had smashed into the wheel. he felt himself flying overboard and sinking below the waves. he was losing consciousness, he accepted his approaching death without murmuring. he felt quite peaceful even when death was approaching and wavewalker was near capsizing.

We are Not Afraid to Die..if We Can All be Together class 11 Long Question and Answer (6 Marks)

we are Not Afraid to Die class 11 question and answer

Question”1 Highlight the tremendous courage and forbearance shown by the two children during the struggle to keep the boat from sinking. what values. do you learn from them?

Answer” The two children. suzanne and Jonathan showed tremendous courage and forbearance during the epic struggle put up by their parents and the crewmen to keep the boat from sinking Sue had been injured badly when the big wave hit the boat. her head had swollen alarmingly and both her eyes were hind. she also had a deep cut on her arm. but she did not complain about her injured as she did not want to worry her parents when they were trying to save them aU. when the author went to comfort the children, his son Jonathan, asked him if they were going to die. when he was assured that they would aU survive, he told his father that they were not afraid of dying if they could aU be together Moreover Sue had patience and power enough to even draw the caricatures of her parents with a message of hope and gratitude to her parents. the children, thus exhibit extraordinary patience, courage and tolerance.

Question”2 We’re Not Afraid to Die’ is a saga of patience and bravery. Comment.

Answer” The story’ we’re Not Afraid to Die’ is a story of the rare courage and perseverance of the narrator’s family. the narrator’s undertaking to replicate Captain James Cook’s voyage was a challenging task, as they had to sail in some of the roughest seas. however, the voyagers kept their spirits high and made aH efforts to save the boat and their lives. Even in the worst of circumstances. the captain did not give up hope and tried his best to protect the ship from flooding. AU the dangers and disasters were confronted with patience, courage, and determination

Even the children showed exemplary courage. they were not afraid to die if they were all together. the two crewmen continuously pumped out the water and never complained. they trusted their captain and worked as a team. luckily the voyagers were able to come out of a near-death experience due to their never-say-die attitude. thus the story proves to be a saga of patience and bravery.


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