The summer of the beautiful white horse class 11 chapter 1 English snapshots Question and Answer

The summer of the beautiful white horse class 11 chapter 1 English snapshots Question and Answer

The summer of the beautiful white horse class 11 chapter 1 Question and Answer NCERT for class 11 Question and Answer were prepared according to the latest question paper pattern Practicing these The summer of the beautiful white horse Question and Answer for class 11 really effective to improve your basics and learn all the key concepts

(Reading with Insight)

Question”1 You will Probably agree that this story does not have breathless adventure and exciting action. then what is your opinion makes it interesting?

Answer” It is true that though the story ‘the summer of the beautiful white horse’ has neither any breathless adventure nor any exciting action, yet it holds the interest of the reader. it begins in a mood of nostalgia and takes us back to the memories of our own childhood when the world was full of every imaginable kind of magnificence, and life was still a delightful and mysterious dream.

Question”2 Did the boys return horse because they were conscience-stricken or because they were afraid?

Answer” The boys returned horse because they were conscience-stricken not because they were afraid, Mourad and Aram belonged to the Garoghlanian family which was famous for its Integrity and honesty. due to their passion for riding and fun once, they stole a beautiful white horse.

Question”3 One day back there in the good old says when I was nine and the world was full of every Imaginable kind of magnificence, and life was still a delightful and mysterious dream. the story begins in a mood of nostalgla. can you narrate some interesting incident from your childhood that might make an interesting story?

Answer” Once when I was still student of class IV, i had gone to pick fruits including berries, guava, and pomegranates in the garden of villager Mr. Ramdhan Tyagi. we were a pack of eight children. we all had eaten fruits to our fill. after that we all packed our pockets. as we were returning happily, uncle Ramdhan returned from his home after a nap in the noon. he naturally gave us a chase.

I being the youngest in the group, lagged behind and was caught. he asked whose daughter are you? sh. Lekh Ram’ I replied. In the evening we all heard the sounds of great row at the home of sh.Lekh Ram. Actually, romance at hort notice was my specially then. to save my skin from my parents I had told the name of a neighbour as my father.

Question”4 The story revolves around characters who belong to a tribe in Armenia. Mourad and Aram are members of the Garoghlanian family. now locate Armenia and Assyria on the atlas and prepare a write-up on the Garoghlanian tribes, Geographical and economic feature as suggested in the story.

Answer” The Garohjlanian family. this entire concept of the existence of this tribe is said to be fictitious. it’s said to be formed by william Saroyan in his book’ my name is Aram’ (1940) Garoghlanian tribe were famous for their honesty. they were proud of their family. honesty came next and then they believed in right and wrong. none of them would take advantage of anybody in the world. No member of the Garoghlanian family. hospitality is also an important function in the Armenian culture. social gatherings revolve around large amounts of food. the religion of most Armenian people is Christianity, which is structured around forgiveness of sins and focuses on the spirit of Tolerance.

The summer of the beautiful white horse class 11 Short type Question and Answer

Question”1 what does the writer suggest by beginning the story with the following words’ one day back there in the good old days”?

Answer” The writer suggests that the narration was not a recent event instead it was happened years ago. the good old days refers that the narrator’s childhood days was better than the present one.

Question”2 what traits of the Garoghlanian family are highlighted in this story?

Answer” The Garoghlanian family belonged to an Armenian tribe. they were very poor and hardly managed to get their food. the family were known for its honesty and trust. they believed in right and wrong. they can never ever steal.

Question”3 which tribe did Aram and Mourad belong to?

Answer” Aram and Mourad belonged to An Armenian tribe, a branch of Garoghlanian family.

Question”4 what conflicting thoughts came Aram’s mind on seeing Mourad riding a beautiful white horse early one morning?

Answer” Aram thoughts that the horse could not belong to Mourad or any of the other members of the family because he knew that he could not bought it, if he coudn’t have bought it, he must have stolen it. but Aram refused to believe that he had stolen it because no members of the family could be a thief.

Question”5 How did Aram justify the act of stealing the horse?


why did Aram think that stealing horse for a ride was not the same thing as stealing money?

Answer” Aram thought that stealing horse for a ride was not the same as stealing money because he belived that it wouldn’t become stealing until they offered to sell the horse which they knew they would never do.

Question”6 Give some references from the text why Mourad was considered crazy.

Answer” Mourad was considered crazy by everyone. he enjoyed of being alive more than anybody else. he stole a horse for a ride and kept with him for more than a month in a deserted horse. when he sang whiling riding on horse in the open countryside, it seemed as if he was roaring .

Question”7 who was uncle khosrove ? what were some of the notable traits of his character?

Answer” Uncle khosrove was an enormous man with a powerful head of black hair and the largest moustache. he was a crazy streak in the tribe. he was very furious in temper, irritable and impatient. he stopped anyone from talking by roaring and always said’ it is no harm, pay no attention to it.

Question”8 where was the horse hidden and why?

Answer” The horse was hidden at the barn of a deserted vineyard of a farmer named fetvajian. it was hidden there so that the people could not see it as it was already morning.

Question”9 what do you think, prompted the boys to return the horse to its owner?

Answer” The boys conscience about the pride of their family of being honest and trustworthy prompted them to return the horse to its owner. they felt guilty of doing a immoral act.

Question”10 who was John Byro? why had he come to Aram’s house?

Answer” John Byro was an Assyrian .he had come to Aram’s house to discuss about his stolen horse with his family members.

Question”11 what made Byro to think that the white horse with the boys was the twin of his horse?

Answer” when Byro saw the white horse with Aram and Mourad, he looked into its mouth and found that the teeth of the horse exactly matched with his stolen horse. but knowing the pride of the boys family’s trust and honestly, he believed that it was not his horse but a twin of his horse.

The summer of the beautiful white horse class 11 Long Answer type Questions

Question”1 Compare and differentiate traits of character of Aram and Mourad.


Compare and contrast Aram and Mourad.

Answer” We learnt from the text that both Aram and Mourad belonged to an Armenian tribe. trust and honesty were the hallmarks of their family although they lived in poverty. the boys had the keen desire of horse riding. Mourad stole the horse for a ride and both enjoyed the horse riding but their conscience didn’t allow them to go against the pride of their family and to keep the stolen horse with them. they returned it to the original owner.

Despite having some similarities. there were some contrast between Aram and Mourad. while Mourad was a crazy streak, Aram was honest and simple-hearted Aram was not as’ dashing and bolder as Mourad. Mourad was more talented and daring than Aram. he domesticated the wild horse of John Byro. he repaired the injured wing of a robin bird’ he had a good understanding of horses, a dog and a farmer Comparatively, Aram was timid but dreamy.

Question”2 Relate some of the humorous incidents in the story. which incident do you find the most amusing and why?

Answer” The part of uncle Khosrove in the story was humorous and amusing Khosrove was a crazy and enormous man. his catchwords generates humour. He always stopped everybody with his roaring it’ is no harm. pay no attention to’ when he was having his moustache trimmed at the barber’s shop his son came running to inform him that their house was on fire, even at such a grave matter Khosrove sat up in the chair and roared, it is no harm, pay no attention to it’

There was another humour incidents Occured when Khosrove and John Byro wa sin conversation. when Byro sadly informed him about his stolen horse’ khosrove remained unperturbed and roared his catchwords, it’ is no harm pay no attention to it’

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