Indigo class 12 chapter 5 English Flamingo summary

Indigo class 12 chapter 5 English Flamingo summary

Indigo class 12 summary

In December 1916, Gandhi went to Lucknow to attend the annual general meeting of the Indian National Assembly. there were 2301, representatives and many visitors. Rajkumar shukla, a farmer from Champaran. invited Gandhi to visit his area. Shukla followed Gandhi wherever he went. In 1917, Gandhi and Shukla boarded the train to Patna. Shukla took Gandhi the home

of a lawyer named Rajendra prasad. since he is not in the city, they cannot see him. Gandhi decided to go first to Muzaffarpur to obtain complete information on the situation in Champlain. at midnight on April 15, 1917, he reached Muzaffarpur by train.

professor. J.B Kriplani met him at the station. Gandhi stayed there for two days. the news of Gandhi’s arrival and the nature of his mission soon spread among Muzaffarpur and Champlain. Champaran tenant farmers began to get there. Muzaffarpur’s lawyer briefed Gandhi on the court case. he blamed the lawyer for charging high fees to the tenant farmers. he believes that the courts are useless for overwhelmed and scared farmers. for them, the real relief is freedom from fear.

Then Gandhi came to Champlain. he began trying to get the facts from the secretary of the British homeowners Association. he refused to provide information to outsiders. Gandhi said he was not a stranger. next Gandhi visited the official British commissioner of the Tierhut branch. the commissioner began to intimidate Gandhi and advised him to leave Tierhut. Gandhi did not leave the area.

But went to Motihari, the capital of Champlain. several lawyers accompanied him. A large crowd greeted Gandhi at the train station. this is the beginning of your liberation from fear of the British. a farmer was abused in a nearby town. the next morning. Gandhi set out on the back of an elephant. soon the superintendent’s messenger stopped him and ordered him to take a carriage back to the city.

Gandhi home. he then sent him an official notice requesting that he leave Champaran immediately. Gandhi signed the receipt for the notice and wrote on it that he would not obey the order. Gandhi received s summons to appear in court the following day. In the evening , Gandhi sent a telegram to Rajendra prasad, gave instructions to the monastery, and sent a complete report to the governor.

Thousands of farmers gathered around the palace of justice the officials felt powerless. the authorities want to consult their superiors. Gandhi Protested the delay. the Magistrate announced that he would pronounce his sentence after a two-hour adjournment. he asked Gandhi to be released on bail within these 120 minutes. Gandhi refused. the judge released him without bail. after the intermission, the court restarted. the judge said that he will not announce a ruling in a few days.

He allowed Gandhi to remain free. Gandhi asked the famous lawyer about the injustice to the tenant farmers. they negotiate with each other. then they told Gandhi that they were going to follow him to prison. Gandhi then divided the group into groups and determined the order in which each couple was arrested. A few days later. the justice of the peace informed Gandhi that the case had been shelved. In modern India civil disobedience won out for the first time.

Conclusion of summary

To sum up, Indigo summary, we learn how Gandhji did not merely help in freeing India. but was always working for the betterment of his countrymen from the very start.

Class 12 English Flamingo summary
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